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Warning Anxiety Attack mentioned if sensitive you can skip that part.

Bakugou POV

I was up before everyone else because I was on the phone with Celine informing that everything was ready for today. I was just sitting on the balcony enjoying the cool air. It was about 5:00 in the morning and we had to leave for 8:30 today.

I hear movement in the living room and then a crash. I jump up from my seat and run in the room getting into a battle stance. I look around and saw it was 1A and All Might.

"Why are you guys up at this time?" I say standing up and dusting myself off.

"Well it's right to get up at this time to get ready for school and learning. We must always make sure to punctual." Iida said waving his arms about like usual. Most of the class groaned when Iida said that.

"Umm Iida school starts at 9:45 on Fridays. We leave at 8:30 because me and the gang have to be there early to make sure things are in place correctly. So you don't need to be up for another hour." Iida stood there shock and the class along with All Might groan out loud.

"Well Bakugou if you don't mind me asking why are you up?" Iida asked. I sighed, fucking nosy I tell you.

"I've grown a habit of waking up this early but I was also on the phone with a girl who acts as my assistant letting me know all the preparations are finished. Anyways I can see you are all still tired so I will take my leave." Iida nodded, I turned to go back to the balcony but I heard crying. Everyone including me turned to the sound and we saw Kami sitting in the hallway. I see Kirishima about to go towards him but I beat him too it. I kneed to Kami but the Kirisquad just had to intervene.

Mentions start here.

"Don't go near, cause if you hurt him I won't hesitate to burn you alive." Mina shouted. Kami crawled back and started shaking. Damnit not now, why now? I stay in my spot so I don't startle him, I was about to call out to him but I guess the Kirisquad didn't get the hint and rushed towards Kami. Shit are they dumb. They go to grab him but he backs away screaming and kicking.

"What did you do to him?" I ignored Kirishima and got up to sat in front Kami again.

"Hey Bubba it's Mama, don't worry they aren't here, they can't hurt you." I see him calm down a bit which I'm thankful for because I don't need him passing out on me.

"Yea that's right calm down for Mama, I won't let them get you. Remember what Mama said?" He calmed a bit more.

"M-Mam-a.... s-sa-said h......he w-would...... ne-nev-never...... l.....let an........an-anyone hu-hurt his bu........b-bubba ag-again." He got out still shaking.

"I will keep that promise, can you tell me what you can see bubba?" He squint his eyes a bit.

"T-The gr-ground,.............. t-the wa-wall a-a.... a-a-nd Mwa-Mwamwa." Shit he's regressing.

"Can you tell me what you feel?" He starts to shake violently again.

"Hey, Hey bubba I need you to listen to my voice, don't pay attention to anything but my voice ok?" He nod.

"Tell me what you feel?" 

"C-C-Cold-d gr-growund" His shaking slows down a bit.

"Ok good just focus on me, I'm coming to hold you, is that ok?" He nods his head and make eye contact with me.

"That's it, such a good bubba. You are doing great baby." I continue to praise him with each step I take until I'm finally pick him up. He clung to me as soon as I got him comfortable in my arms. I bounce him a little and rub his back shushing him.

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