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I'm on vacation🥳. And a few more day and I'm done catching up. Unfortunately I have a lot of Christmas related things to do so yeah just another reason why I'm not updating, also not sure when I'm going to be back to normal updating. Now unto the story.

Zack POV

We were finally done the performances and we were changed. The other Aces went about the school while I went back to the auditorium to wait for Kat and Pika. The walking peppermint and walking broccoli were waiting by the door of the auditorium.

"Hey umm so I still don't know my way around that well so I was wondering if I could tag along with you and maybe keep you company too since  I'm not seeing your group." The broccoli smiled. Isn't he in a relationship with the candy cane.

"Wouldn't you wanna go with your boyfriend?" His smiled dropped for a second and before it was bout on his face.

"He can tag along as well, you can show both of us around." He strolls over to me and grips unto my arm.

"Whore." Candy Cane mumbled under his breath. I had to stifle my laughter.

"You can tag along but" I pull my hand out his grip. "I'm waiting for two people." He smile faltered a bit and his eyes had a glare in them. God give me patience because if he does or say anything about them, I'm going to jail.

"Papa!" I turn and see Pika running towards me. He jumps into my arms and I hold him up so he doesn't fall.

"Hey Pika, how old?" He puts up 2 fingers. "Wow my Pika a big boy today."

"Yes I'm a bwig boy." He puts a fist in the air.

"Denki Kaminari." I see Kat appear with a frantic look. "Don't do that to me Kami, you're gonna give me a heart attack." 

"Sworry, just s-saw P-Papa.... a-an-d-d" Kat snatched Pika out my hand and start bouncing him on his hip.

"Oh I'm sorry baby, don't listen to Mama, He's dumb." I chuckle at Kat but when he turned and glared at me, I stopped immediately. You can't blame me he glare is terrifying, like 'I would rather be six feet older than be glared at from him' terrifying. Kat finally stops glaring at me and looks behind me, I turn my head a little and see broccoli boy glaring at him and candy cane has an excited and lust driven look.

"Midoriya and Todoroki do you need help with something?" Broccoli boy was frozen completely.

"What did you just call me?" It took me a minute before I remembered Kat and broccoli were friends and they had nicknames.

"Midoriya, why did your name change?" Kat face looked concerned but I know he felt smug. Alright Kat let's see what games your about to play.

"What happened to Deku, Kacchan?" Kat's face dropped, but if you look closely you got see a hint of annoyance.

"Do you want me to call that?"

"No I guess."

"Ok then it's Midoriya, but is there something we can help you with?" Broccoli smile but it was forced.

"Well Zacky was kind enough to let us wonder around with him since we still don't know the school that well." I cringed at the nickname. Kat give him a sweet smile, to anyone who knew him well it was menacing but to a blind eye it was sweet.

"Well that's nice of you Z, since you're tagging along with us, you can compete in some of the games we play." Broccoli and candy cane had a shocked face.

"Let's go!" Kami jumped out of Kat's embrace and ran to the training grounds.

"Try and keep up." And with that I ran after Pika and Kat ran with me. We were too busy having fun to care if the walking vegetable and candy was following.

~Time Skip~

3rd Person POV 

The group was having fun as they were participating in almost every game they saw, well, three of them were. Todoroki and Midoriya were angrily and awkwardly standing and watching the couple and their 'child' have fun.

Midoriya was angry as he was planning to have fun with 'his' Zacky but he wasn't even looking in his direction, he was to busy playing with a bully and a crybaby. Todoroki was more jealous that angry, he envied Zack, he wanted to be Zack at that moment. Holding Bakugou, helping him with the game, laughing with him and enjoying themselves but he stuck in the back watching 'his' lover having fun with another man.

They hear shouting and turn to see Kirishima and Mina running towards them. Deku rolled his eye and Todoroki just stared at them.

"What's up with Midobro, he look's angry." The red head asked as he and Mina came to a stop in front of the walking tree and candy cane pole.

"Yeah Todobae you look angry as well, you guys good?" The pink head one asked this time. Deku just turned around and watched the couple again while Todoroki just shuck their head at the two in front of him. They just looked forward and saw Bakugou, Zack and Kaminari. They were confused now, well the pinkette was, the redette was too focused on the walking Pokémon to care.

"Bakugou wouldn't let me talk to Zack at all. The attention seeking whore has all the man's attention." Deku was red from anger.

"You wanna call someone a whore." Deku stops fuming at the couple in front of him and turns to Todoroki. "The fact that you have a boyfriend and want another man's attention just explains the phrase it takes one to know one." Deku just rolls his eyes not caring.

"Yeah like you are any better, you literally were undressing him with you eye all day. You want him back don't you?" Deku smirked at the scolding Todoroki. No one moved, Mina stood there watching 'the couple' fight and Kirishima was still watching Kaminari.   

"Whatever, can we just break up and get it over with, I know you don't like me and I know you have been fucking other people." Deku's smirked dropped and it was now Todoroki's turn to smirk.

Little did they know a certain couple and child was listening in on their conversation.

"Wow Deku has really gone that far hasn't he?" Zack just shuck his head with a disgusted look and Kaminari was trying to scoot closer to Bakugou as he could feel Kirishima's gaze on him.

"I don't know but now I know for sure I don't want him touching me again." Bakugou looked up at Zack and smirked.

"So you wanted him to touch you?" Zack's eye shot open and he shuck his head so fast that just looking at it would almost give you a whiplash.

"Ew Kat seriously, why would you say that." Zack visibly shivered at the thought of the whoring vegetable touching him. "I'll probably get a disease or maybe I have one already since he touched me." 

"Oh my lord, how the hell are you 18 you act like 2." Zack pout at the insult. With their bickering going on, they didn't notice Kaminari's shuffling or uncomfortableness.

Pika's POV

I could feel Kirishima's gaze on me and it was uncomfortable. I didn't want to look around because then he's going to know and I really don't wanna make eye contact. Mama and Papa were having fun and I didn't want to interrupt them. I could hear Kirishima slowly making his way towards me. (I'm sorry Kirishima, I LOVE YOUU) I didn't even know I was trembling until someone took my hand in theirs. I snatch my hand back thinking it's Kirishima.

"Bubba?" I open my eyes as I hear my Mama's voice.

"S-Sorry." He quirked an eyebrow as if trying to question my behaviour. I nodded towards Kirishima. He understood.

"Wanna go back to the office?" I nod and put out my arms to be picked up. Mama picked me up and we made our way to the office. Today was a very long day.

I'm not entirely proud of this chapter since it was rushed but I hope you enjoy.

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