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Merry Christmas my little panda cubs. I unfortunately can't do a Christmas special because I've been really busy, so I will post this chapter that was prewritten so yeah.

Warning Sexual Harassment in this chapter. 

Baby Pika's POV

Mama was cheering me up and Papa was trying to find out where the other Aces were.

"Do you wanna go for a walk outside the school grounds? Maybe being away from the school for awhile would do you better." I nod my head. I slipped out of my younger mindset (Does anyone know what you call the age regression mindsets, I know it's not little space because they are different but I'm not entirely sure and I don't want to offend anyone so if someone could help me out that would be great.) when Kirishima was staring at me.

I walked out the room and waited for Mama to come out. I wasn't paying attention until I saw red moving in front of me.

"Hey Kami long time no speak." I looked up and my face dropped. Standing in front of me was Kirishima and from the events today I wasn't ready to speak to him so I just stayed quiet.

Bad idea on my part.

Mentions starts here.

He squeezed my face making me yelp at the sudden pain. He lift my head making eye contact.

"Oh Kami did you forget what happened when we disobey or don't answer?" I shook my head. He squeezed tighter. I could feel the tears falling.

"We always give a verbal answer." 

"N-No." He chuckled, but it was humorless. His face went closer to my neck until I could feel his breath by my ear.

"I think you did let me remind you." I yelped as he bit my neck. No not again please not again.  I could feel the blood leak from the bite as he pulled away.

"Oh how I missed seeing you wither and hear your whimpers as I finish marking you." His hands find their way up my sweater, since it was oversized it pushed up and everything was showing including my shorts that I had underneath it. "How about we catch up like old times?" I start shaking and kicking trying to get him off me.


"You fucking brat." He hardened his hand and slap me, I end up on the floor. My head was throbbing, I could feel blood drip from my head. He started moving forward. Not caring about my head I start pushing myself backwards trying to get away from.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He grabbed my hair before I could get any further. 

"You are going to do what I want, when I want just because you moved here doesn't mean anything. You are my slut and always will be." I could barely see him through my blurry eyes. I'm so weak I can't even protect myself. 

"Oh don't cry we'll have fun like we did before. You know I only do this cause I love you." I shake my head. I don't want it, somebody please help. 

Mentions end here.

As if for perfect timing a vine shot at him holding him up to a wall by his stomach. He hardened his hand to cut it but four more shot up pinning his hands and legs. I looked towards the direction they came from and saw Mama appear but his eye were complete gold and his face held anger. I collapse, everything that happened hit me like a rock. Papa held me before I dropped.

"How does it feel Kirishima, to be pinned to the wall by someone, leaving you utterly helpless." He spat every word like venom especially his name. Another vine shot up but it went to his throat this time. "To feel someone over power you, have the upper hand in a situation. Leaving you to rely on luck that someone is on their way to you. Doesn't feel nice does it?" The vine around his neck tighten.

"Kat we have enough proof we can get him kicked out." Papa shouted but he was just ignored.


"SHUT UP!" He slammed his foot into the ground and plant of all species shot from the ground but avoided Papa and I. "Don't you get it." There was a very uncomfortable silence, you could hear a pin drop.

"This isn't the first fucking time. I made a promise to protect Kami with my all and this was happening under my nose. Right under my nose and I didn't fucking know. I'm not stopping, not until he feels the pain he caused Kami. So don't fucking stop me." He held down his head not looking up for a second.

"You really-" Kirishima choked before he could even get out another word. 

"You don't get to speak." When Mama held up his head his eyes were red again but a glowing red like from first day. The vines holding him were slowly turning brown. The Aces appeared and realized what was happening. Lea tried to hit Mama with her halo whip but another vine shot up and grabbed it. Everything was moving in slow motion for me. I just wanted my Mama, I didn't want anyone else. I wanted to run to him but Zack was holding me back, he wasn't insane just protective.

"Let me go." 

"No I don't want you to get hurt." I got angry and activated my quirk. He let go with a cry, I took the opportunity and ran. I got in front of him. He looked at me and I saw his eye shift but to normal, when he saw what he was doing he stopped. 

"Oh god not again, shit I thought I had this under control. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Oh fucking god. Not again." Lolo rushed forward and held him. I joined and Toga and Neito join as well.

"I'm so sorry."

I'm shocketh what just happened. Welp Imma be that author and just say.......ahem......

Hope you enjoyed this chapter have a very good Christmas my cubs.

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