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So I finally found the time to write a chapter sorry for the little hiatus but catching up in my studies is a little harder than I expected. Anyways, this was a bit rushed.

Bakugou's POV

I was outside waiting for the Aces, 1A, AM and Aizawa. I finally see them walk out but before I could get to them they were ambushed by most of the students from the auditorium. They were circling around the U.A group. I literally just told them not to ambush them and what do they do, ambush them. I actually wanna see All Might's face when he realise they aren't for him. I could here the faint cheers from where I'm standing.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG." It was the girl from our first day her name is Amika. She is a bigger fangirl/boy than Midoriya and that's saying something. She was pushing through everybody even though she was small. 

"Calm young students everyone will get their turn." AM shout but they weren't listening. Aizawa was standing behind everyone rolling his eyes. I wonder how he'll act when he realise those are his fans. I finally stepped in.

"What did I just say?" I shout as I walk up to them. The crowd stopped and slowly turned to me.

"Not to ambush them." They replied and looked down like a toddler about to get scowled.

"And what did you do?"

"Ambushed them." I see Amika trying to sneak to Aizawa.

"Amika!" She stopped in her tracks.

"But he's right there in the flesh. Like I can touch him, I can get an autograph. Oh my god. How does my hair look? Are my clothes wrinkly? Do I have drool on my face? Can I touch his hair? Is his-"


"Ah sorry Mom but I'm just excited." She starts jumping up and down.

"I can introduce you." She rushes and grab my hand but before she can pull me AM spoke.

"It's ok young Bakugou I can introduce myself." The crowd turns to me confused and Amika looks upset. I just shrug my shoulders.

"Hello young pupils. As you know I'm All Might and I'm the symbol of peace in Japan. Now whose first to get an autograph." Everyone stays quiet and Amika is tapping her foot impatiently.

"Is he done?" She says looking at me. I hold back my laughter and nod. 

"Finally!" AM turns to Amika after she spoke.

"Young girl how about you, you seem the most excited." Amika made a disgusted face.

"No thanks, I wasn't meaning you either way." U.A stood their shock. Amika then dragged me to Aizawa. She stood in front of him not being able to keep still.

"Amika, Eraserhead. Eraser, Amik-"

"Oh my god hello. I'm Amika. I'm your number 1 fan, like I'm your biggest fan, like bigger than the world and the world is 24,901 miles. Did you know that? I found out- " 

"Amika! Don't scare him." 

"Ah! Sorry Mom." Aizawa was frozen in place.

"So like can I touch your hair? Is your eyebags from your quirk or no sleep? What's it like being an underground hero? How are you so handsome? Wanna see my Eraserhead merch? I made them myself. Can I have an autograph? What your capture weapon made of? Can I get a picture? Did you train yourself not to blink or is that a part of your quirk? Are you and Present Mic together? You guys are my OTP. Did you make your hero costume all black to blend in with the shadows so villians can't see you? Is Shinsou actually your son? Can you adopt me? You are like literally my idol. Do you actually use eye drops for your quirk? Can-"

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