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Author's note at the end PLEASE READ!

Bakugou POV

I woke to movement next to me but I didn't open my eyes, I just listened.

"Come on Denki, he tired you can't wake him up." I heard shuffling again.

"Nwo I want Mwamwa!" I hear kicking and crying. I finally open my eyes letting them adjust to the light. I looked around and see Kei trying to hold back a crying Kami.

"Hey bubba." My voice sounded so sleepy, I didn't even realize I was so tired. Kami's head snap up to look at me, when he sees I'm awake he tries harder to get out Kei's hold. Kei must not realize I'm awake because he tighten his grip on Kami.

"Mwamwa!" He starts reaching out for me. I slowly get up not fully awake and grab him from Kei. He stops squirming and calms down his crying but he's still whimpering.

"Did I not give you your Pikachu?" He shock his head. I sigh, his Pikachu is the only thing, other than me, that can keeps him asleep. How did I forget about that? 

"Sorry he woke you. I was trying to get him to let you sleep." Kei starts scratching the back of his head.

"Let me tell you something Kei when you become a parent, the word sleep is no longer apart of your dictionary. You can even ask the old hag." He turns to the old hag while I make my way to the bag we stuffed our things in. I held Kami with one hand while I went through the bag with the other one. I finally found his Pikachu and paci.

 I finally found his Pikachu and paci

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I hand the stuffie over to him and then put the paci in his mouth

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I hand the stuffie over to him and then put the paci in his mouth. He latched on to the pacifier and laid his head back into my shoulder.

"Ready to go back to sleep bubba." He shock his head.

"Bubba you need to sleep, the crying is going to has you emotionally exhausted so you need to sleep besides we have 9 more hours until we land." He shook his head again. Sigh all the adrenaline I was running on just ran out at the wrong time.

"Alright you don't have to sleep but are you hungry, I know how you are and eating?" He shock his head.

"You're eating. How old are you bubba?" He was just pulling my hair babbling nonsense I couldn't understand because of the paci. I walk over and put him in the chair I was sitting in. I went back to the bag taking out his bottle and the formula. I went over to the kitchen and put the bottle in the microwave after mixing it.

I lean on the counter closing my eyes for a few seconds. I hear someone enter in the kitchen but I don't open my eyes.

"Mwamwa pwlay pwease" I open my eyes and look at Kami. He was crawling on the ground until he stop right by my foot.


"How about you play with me while your Mama finishes your bottle?" I look over to the entrance and see Himi.

"Come on let's play tag!" Kami eyes lit up and then he crawled over to Himi and hit her leg.

"Twag ywour is" He then crawled away as fast as he can. I sent a thankful look to Himi, she smiled and went after Kami.

The microwave beeped alerting me that the bottle was finished. I grab the bottle and check the temperature on my wrist to make sure it's not too hot. It was good so I walked out. When I stepped out the kitchen I saw Kami on the floor and Himi sitting in front of him playing pick-a-boo. I slowly walked over to him and picked him up. He burst into giggles when I picked him up.

"Mwamwa!" I smiled. This is the most he's ever smiled since he told what was happening at home.

"Hey baby you're bottle's finish ready to eat?" He nodded his head. I walk back over to where I was resting and sat down with Kami in my lap. I fed him while rocking him in my lap. He started to doze off halfway through the bottle. I had get him to stay up so he could finish the bottle.  Eventually I hear soft snores, I looked down and saw him asleep with the empty bottle nipple in his mouth. I let out a satisfy sigh.

"You need a prize for that." I didn't even need to look around to know that was Mono. I shook my head at his comment.

"If I get a prize for this the old hag had to be getting the world for putting up with our asses for years." We chuckled at my comment. I hand him the bottle cause I was starting to drift off again, happily welcoming the darkness.

~Time skip brought to you by Kami's cuteness~

We walked out of the airport, Kami in the hag's hand cause I'm still partly asleep. I look around the airport for dad's bodyguard or someone sent by my dad. When we get to the pick up area you would never believe who we saw waiting.


So Basically I was thinking I would post every other day during the week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), starting today and if I can an extra on Saturday but Saturday is not permanent on the schedule it's just an extra day. So it would go;

Monday- Post

Tuesday- No Post

Wednesday- Post

Thursday- No Post

Friday- Post

Saturday- Extra/No Extra

Sunday- No Post

If there is a change I will let you know, anyways byeeeee.


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