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Baku POV

I was laying in my bed covered in plasters, Kami clinging to me and Z sitting next to me on the bed. You're probably wondering what happened let me explain.


The party was going great and everyone was enjoying themselves. Z and I were sitting on one of the couches with the Aces while Kami was in the bathroom. I wasn't all that worried because the people here were smart. 

About a few minutes later a see a crying Kami running up to me. He collapsed in my lap, his breathing was getting faster and he looked dazed.

"Hey, hey. It's ok I'm right here with you. Shhh, baby." I brought him to my chest to my and let him lay there. I felt him calm down. I lifted his head and his eyes looked wider than usual when he regressed.

"You ok bub?" I didn't get an answer just some babbling, he grabbed my hair and tried to eat it. "No eating Mama's hair." He grabbed the finger I was pointing at him and start chewing on it. 'He regressed to a baby mindset but he's never done that.'

"Z," He looked at me, "Kami regressed to a baby state." His expression turned confused.

"But he's never done that."

"That's what I was saying he only regress from ages 2-4." 'What happened in that bathroom?' The next thing I saw was a dark green looking vine coming towards us. Lea threw her halo and sliced every vine insight but more just shot forward. Jacob tried burning them but he got the same result as Lea. Then I remember something Hito told me.

"Those are Deku's vines!" As I said that he appeared from the crowd that was hiding from the vines. He had a smirk on his face.

"Well, you caught me. My original plan was to go after Kaminari but he got away so I'm after you now." I dropped my head and my hair cast down creating a shadow. I hand Kami to Z ad stood up. 

"I never wanted to use this part of my quirk but now you leave me no choice." His vines stopped shooting forward and shot backwards and wrapped around him. 

"How?!" He ripped the vines in pieces and activate one for all. Before he could move off one for all died down. "W-What?" In my hand, I held One for All. 

"You can't be a true hero if you abuse your quirk for selfish reasons this will be your downfall as it was mine." He stomped out of the house, probably to get All Might. I shut down the party and we all went home.

As soon as I stepped through the door All Might was standing there waiting for us. I was about to give Kami to Z but he just tighten his grip on me.

"Can I help you All Might?" He glared at me.

"How did you get One for All? It can only be transferred if the user willingly gives their DNA." All Might said.

"One for All at the moment doesn't have a user. I don't have it, I'm just holding unto its essence and soul. Without the essence and soul of One for All, it can't be a quirk. The soul and essence of it scream good, its purpose is for good not for evil or selfish desires. It was only a matter of time until One for All died as Deku's desires and actions were killing One for All's soul and essence." All Might was shocked. 

"How do you know that? For all, I know you could be lying?" I look him straight in the eye.

"I had a little talk with grandma Nana. One for All soul was dying from when you told Deku to let go of his dream and apparently after a while One for All saw Deku's true desires and started to neglect him. That's why he couldn't pass or use over 8% without damaging himself." All Might slumped down when I said that. "Next time get the whole story before going after someone." I passed him and walked towards my room. I stopped before going up the stairs.

"The past users no longer what him to hold One for All." I continued to my room and fell into my bed with Kami. 

"Wanna tell me what he did Kami?" He shook his head. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

And done thanks for waiting. Sorry, it's out so late and any errors you find. Question for panda cubs, do you guys want me to give Sam, Loanna and Axel's little brother, One for All? Lemme know.

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