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The light shined into my eyes, forcing me awake from my sleep. I felt nothing, but pain, especially in my head. My eyelids were heavy, allowing me to only see my surroundings partially. White walls locked me into a room. Was I in heaven, or was I hallucinating? Was this how it felt like to be dead? So many questions I had went unanswered.

The door creaked open, and someone walked through. "Samuel!" The man yelled grabbing me violently. Their voice was familiar. As my vision was fully obtained, i had noticed who the man who was standing in front of me. It was Jacob. Soon after I regained the feeling in my arms, and legs allowing me to move.

"Are you awake?" Jacob asked.

"I am now" I said to him with a smart tone. Quickly I sat up on the hospital bed that held me. "You could've let me sleep for a few more minutes" I said sarcastically.

"You died for twenty four hours" he said, "I thought id lost you. I thought I'd failed your father"

For an emotional teenager I was actually pretty relieved to be alive.

For some reason I had this hot burning sensation on my skin. when I looked down I saw that I was begginning to glow. "What the hell?" I said starting to flip out.

Jacob put his hand on my shoulder and began speaking quietly. "Theres something you should know." he said to me. "When the doctors observed your condition, there were many things going on that should've killed you."

"Jacob why is my skin glowing"

"I don't know. Is there something that happened in that store, something odd?" the grenade. no, the artifact. What was that doctors name?

There was a knock on the door. Jacob, and I both looked at the door, then back to each other. "You need to leave. If anyone catches wind of this they'll have you in a cage" he warned. "Go through through that window, ill tell them you escaped earlier."

I peaked out the side of the window, and spoke. "Which floor are we on?" I asked afraid of the height.

"The eighth floor" he answered handing me a surgical mask. "Put this on to hide your identity"

"I'm not jumping out that window so they can go ahead and take me to Area 51" I said placing the mask on.

"there's a stair case by the window" he said walking towards the ledge.

"Where?" I said peeking over.

"You'll thank me for this later" he said. Before I could think he pushed me out without warning. I free fell eight stories until I landed on the side of the New York city county hospital. I opened one eye wondering if I were still alive or not. I stood slowly noticing that I had no bruises.

"Are you alright, kid?" Someone asked me.

My uncle just pushed me to my would be death, but I'm alive so I guess I'm alright. Now I needed some answers. And I was gonna get them from the doctor from yesterday.

I hailed a cab so I could get myself back home. As soon as I sat down I noticed the story on the small tv. It was the same doctor from yesterday doing an in home interview about the incident. My luck was finally looking up. "take me to this location" I said to the driver.

"its a media circus, are you sure kid?" He asked.

"im positive"

As soon as we got there, I pushed past the cameras and was stopped by security at the gate. "no visitors" they said.

"i need to speak to Dr. Keeley its urgent.

"urgent?" The security guard said. "well then you should've said so. Go on ahead, and while you're headed in, why don't we let everyone else in as well."

I didn't take kind to his tone. "alright, then tell him to come out here. He'll know me when he sees me"

"get lost, kid" the guard said to me.

I felt my anger get ahead of me, then noticed my hands begin to glow again.

From behind the entranceway stepped out a man. It was Dr. Keeley. "Hello, Samuel." He spoke, "I suppose you're looking for me?" I wanted to punch that smirk off of his face. "well are you going to come in?"

I looked up at the guard with egg on his face as he opened the door for me. I stepped in ready to hear his truth.

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