New Threats to New Ends

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I did what I usually did every day for the past two years, woke up, sat on the couch, turned the TV on, and watched the latest news story. Four hundred people killed, helpless against the massive storm that destroyed their city. Higher than the number in the city yesterday, but there was less of a survival rate. Again, I felt the dread of not being able to do anything. I was unable to leave, unable to act, and unable to help. It had been like this for two years, and in those years the world had changed massively, but I would never know, since I was sent away to live in the islands off of the coast of Australia.

There was no complaint from me, the beaches were more blue than the sky, and the sand felt like a cushion on my feet. Since my father had ties, they let me stay in a wooden house on the beach. Though when you're an undocumented immigrant from America living in a wooden house on the beach, the authorities only get but so welcoming about letting you stay.

I turned the TV off, and sunk into the previously white, but now brown couch and sighed. It was time to begin my day. I walked outside to the edge of the beach, and pulled out the three centimeter wire I had been carrying in my pocket. I lined it with the blood of a dead fish that I had killed before, and reeled it into the water. As soon as I felt the rope tug a bit, I reeled it in, and grabbed the fish.

After my catch I went out to the fields to pick up some wood so that I could cook it. It had only been a few minutes, and when I got back I didn't go inside. I felt something had changed about the house. As if there was a disturbance in the area. Though this one was unusual, this one seemed as if it had been a human disturbance, unlike the usual human disturbances.

I placed the wood outside on my sad excuse for a porch, and slowly opened the door. I walked into the small living room, and checked for a sign of presence. Everything seemed fine, that was until I noticed the mail on my desk. I hadn't remembered picking up my mail today since I had to drive all the way to an office location for that.

"I took the liberty of getting it for you" a voice said.

I took a sharp turn, caught off guard. I settled down when I had realized that it had only been my father. "You scared the hell out of me" I said to him.

"I didn't want anyone to discover of my visit" he said to me.

The last time I had seen him, he was saying goodbye to me again. I should be used to him popping up, but it was just so hard for me every time. "What do you want?" I asked him rudely.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, you are my son after all"

"Am I?" I asked rhetorically. "You expect me to believe that you came all the way here just to ask me how my life was going?"

"I hoped so, but you're a lot smarter than I thought" he said to me. "I need you to come back to New York with me"

After he had said that I couldn't help but laugh. "You want me to go back to New York, with you?" I asked.

"Yes" he answered.

"I'm sorry if I seem a bit out of it. it's just that the whole entire situation seems a bit funny to me" I said to him.


"I've left twice before both for reasons on your doing. And now you want me to go back?" I asked in a laugh.

"I'm glad you could find humor in such a situation, though now isn't a time for laughter. You've been hidden away for long enough, the front's cooled, and we need your help. Samuel, I need you to come back."

"I think I'm done doing what you want don't you think?" I asked.

"This isn't for me" he said, "It's for the future of the human race, for Jacob, for Harry-"

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