Final Goodbyes

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"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked yelling at Jacob. "Why would he do this to me?"

"I don't know" Jacob said clueless. It would only be a matter of minutes before the police knocked down the door and grabbed me. Without powers I was helpless.

"Well you should know he's your brother after all" I complained.

"He's your father, he created you, I think you won this round" Jacob fired back.

I sat on the couch breathing the last breaths I would breath above ground. After this it was solitary confinement for the rest of my life. "He wouldn't doom you for no reason" Jacob said. "He must have a plan"

Before another question could be answered Wally burst through the front door. I stood with my guard raised, guessing that he was here to kill me since I no longer served as any use to him. "Wallace?" Jacob said.

"I told them that I was going to negotiate with you so if im not out there in five minutes there going to bust the doors open." Wally explained. He looked past Jacob and walked towards me. He handed me a plastic bag filled with papers. "Here" he said to me. "There's a passport, a birth certificate, and a new identity in here" he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking through the bag.

I looked at the movements he was making, and frankly he looked very frightened. "Your father is a very convincing man" he said to me. He handed me a blue vial. "This is the antidote to the nanotoxin. Take this and leave. Don't look back because if you do you'll never be able to leave again"

"Leave, and go where?"

"Just stop asking questions. I'm trying to help you. Your father sent me and through a series of talks persuaded me that it would be best if I helped you. There's a plane waiting to take you far away. You must go now"

I took the vial happy that I would be able to finally escape from the blackmail that they had me by. "Where's the plane?" I asked.

"Down the street at the park" he said. "Now go before it's too late"

Jacob grabbed me by the shoulders. "You need to go now" he said.

"I can't just abandon you like this. You'll go to jail for treason and harboring a criminal"

"Don't worry about me. I know my way around the law" he said to me, "Just go" he said to me.

I knew that I had to go, but I was still unsure about trusting Wallace since I had fell victim to him before. "It's now or never" Wallace said.

This was my only chance, whether he was lying to me or not. I nodded, then went out the back door saying my final goodbyes to Jacob. There were three soldiers waiting out there for me. "Come with us" the one in the middle said.

I hesitated assuming that Wally had set me up for a fall so he would look like a hero.

"We're with your father" they reassured. "Use this for cover" he said throwing me a uniform. I took it and quickly put it on. After I was done they walked me down to the end of the road. "This is as far as we can take you" he said.

I looked off into the distance at the neighborhood park on the soccer field, noticing a big black helicopter with a man in front of it. As I walked closer I noticed that it was Samuel Johns, aka my father. I walked up to the him, and spoke, "So you're here to say goodbye...again?" I asked upset.

"It's the only way" he said to me. "You dug yourself quite the hole, and now you have to flee"

"Is that what you think. When things get tough the best thing to do is run?"

"I'm not here to argue with you" He looked me hard in the eye and spoke, "I never meant to wish this on you, and if I could I would take it all back. I know that you have a lot of hate and resentment for me, but I only want the best for you. And I hope one day you will be able to forgive me."

"I hope so too" I said, then walked towards the helicopter. "Is this the last time I'll see you?" I asked.

"No" he answered.

"Then goodbye for now" I said walking into the helicopter. I sat down and as I closed the door I felt everything I knew be ripped from me. Once again I felt empty, lost, and scared. Similar to how I felt when I first came to this place. I was leaving again.

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