There's Never A Last Mission

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"You look like you've seen a mirror," Harry said to me.

I breathed heavily, clenching my throat softly. A knot formed in my stomach and worry crept into my mind. "Something's not right," I said.

"Everything is perfect, and this is the first moment in three years that you've had a break" Harry argued, "It's time for you to relax. You've won"

I shook my head. A migraine struck my head, and I could no longer bear it. "Whats going on?" Harry asked me.

"I need to go back." I pushed through.

"Go back?" my father interjected from the passenger seat beside our pilot. " I thought that you wanted to leave as soon as possible?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the wrinkled paper that Marcus left me. Wesley Hunt it said, went missing the day of July 4, 2003. It was an article. He was reported missing at a young age, and yet he was never found. I tried to concentrate on the article, but all I could think about was the mission Marcus left me with. Save Wes. "Where's the parachute?" I asked my father.

"You're not seriously thinking of jumping, are you?" Harry asked.

"He gave me one last mission, I need to complete it."

"He has no choice," My father said sadly.

"There's never a last mission" Harry said angrily. "When will this end"

He reached under the passenger seat and pulled out a bag. "This will get you there quickly."

I took the back and opened it, revealing the round flat object."What is it?" I asked.

He pressed the top of it, and it split in half opening up and popping out a turbine. "It a Hydrogen peroxide-powered rocket" he explained, "In other words, a jetpack"

My smile widened. "This is the coolest thing I've ever had."

"All you have to do is use voice commands to make it power it up," he said. "It's still in its testing stages so don't fly too harshly with it."

"I'll be back soon," I said.

Harry opened the door, and I jumped out plummeting towards the clouds I leveled myself, then spoke "Go" I said, but nothing happened. "Go" I tried again, but it was hopeless, I was still plummeting towards the earth. I began to panic as the ground became closer to me. I could see the ocean. I swallowed hard, near. "On" I tried. The engine roared, pushing me horizontally, and I scraped the top of the water. Never had I felt so much adrenaline in my body.

I flew for minutes until I was right back where I began this morning. I could see the large helicarrier, but I couldn't find a good place to settle. "Land," I said to the jetpack, The engine turned off, and I fell towards the surface. "Uh oh" I said. I crashed into the deck, landing on my back.

A team of men ran up to me facing me with their weapons. "Freeze , or we'll shoot."

I stood slowly, with my hands on my head, as if I was going to surrender. Then Moving as fast as I can, ran around and confiscated all of their guns, throwing them over the ocean. "Not feeling so big now, are you?" I asked rhetorically. I ran into the building, looking for him. Wes. How was I supposed to find him, when I had no idea where he was or how he looked?

"Your back, how delightful," The voice over the speakers said. I tried to look for the source, but no one was around."Now, what do I owe this unwanted pleasure?"

"You have something I want" I said circling around, unsure of which direction I should shout in.

"I'm unsure of what you mean" he said, "Could you be more specific?"

"I know you have him. I want Wes"

He laughed through his microphone, "I don't think you're quite his type"

"Where's Wes?!" I yelled, "You see saving him is the only thing on my mind. So whatever you got better be good, because I'm going to do whatever I can to save him."

He laughed. "No need to get emotional," he said, "If it's Wes you're looking for, then it's Wes you'll get."

A wall directly in front of me opened. Revealing a boy who had been standing there. He came through the wall, revealing himself. "You called for me?" he said with a smug smirk on his face and glowing blue hands.

"You're alive?" I asked.

He looked at me looking confused. He arched his eyebrow and walked closer to me. "Who are you?" he asked me.

"Your brother sent me, I'm here to rescue you"

"Enough chatter," The voice said through the walls. "You're supposed to be killing him"

Wes ignored the voice, "I'm sorry to say that you came to save someone that did not need saving" He said, suddenly I couldn't feel the vibrations in my boy anymore. Everything was stopping, and my temperature was dropping rapidly.

"What're you doing" I pushed through my lips as the frost grew around my mouth.

"My patron says that you're a threat," he said, "Don't take this personally."

"How could I not?" I said.

"I apologize, but I can't allow you to live" he said with some sympathy.

I took one more breath before the ice engulfed my body, and I could no longer move. I was frozen in time unable to break the frost that held me.

"Goodbye, Sam" he said, the world turned black as he turned around and walked back into the wall.

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