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I woke up to a splash of water on my face. I panicked thinking the plane went under as I was sleeping, but soon came to find it was just someone splashing a bucket of water on my face. Harmattan laughed at me, "You should've seen the look on your face" he said.

My fingers ignited, and I stared him down angrily. "I'm going to kill you" I said to him.

"Yeah?" he asked, "Let me know when you get the chance"

I had wondered why he hadn't mind controlled me yet, but now I realize it was just so he could torture me. "Have a snickers" he said throwing me a candy bar. "You get angry when you're hungry."

"What do you want" I asked him,

"We've arrived" he answered. "Well, ten minutes away to be exact."

"Now what, you throw me off the plane, after controlling me to detonate?" I asked.

"Precisely" he answered. "You wanna know what the best part is, I never have to see you again, either"

"What do you mean? There wouldn't be any damage done to me with my cellular regeneration"

"On the contrary, your body would be ripped apart too fast to heal itself. So no, you won't survive this," he said with a smile. "It's okay, I'm sure that father Samuel and uncle Jacob are having a farewell party right now"

"What do you want?" I asked him. "After all this is done, after you own the world. What are you going to do?"

"That is for me to know, and you to never find out" he said laughing, "Get it, because you'll be dead"

"What did they do to you" A voice said from behind him.

He turned sharply, and paused as if he had seen a ghost."Matt" he said softly.

"Matthew?" I said happily.

"How did you-"

"Molecular Distortion." he said.

"I forgot that you were the wierd one" Harmattan said.

"Why are you doing this, let the kid go" Matt said back to him.

"You may be a few minutes older than me, but that doesn't mean you can boss me around." He said back to him. "Now, you are my brother, so I won't throw you out of the plane, but I will have to ask you to leave."

"If you're doing this because of mom and dad-"

"We both know why I am doing this" he said stopping him. "Or did you forget Wes so easily?"

"Who's Wes?" I asked.

"Yeah, Matt, who's Wes?" Harmattan asked Matthew rhetorically, "Where's Wes"

"It doesn't matter" Matt answered.

"It never does" Harmattan said. He looked at the invisible watch on his wrist. "My my, look at the time."

"You do this, and I can't help you anymore." Matt warned.

"I've already died inside. Nothing will redeem me" Harmattan said.

He then took my shoulder and spoke, "Steuer Geist" my eyes shut, and my mind became hollow.

Immediately my body became stiff, and once again I did not feel in control. "Samuel, i'm gonna need you to jump out of the plane, and go nuclear" he said to me.

I nodded, and walked to the door of the plane. "You left me no choice" Matt said. I opened the door of the plane, but then felt a large metallic object go through my stomach. I couldn't move, and could barely breathe. Suddenly i couldn't feel my body, and I dazed off into a painful sleep.

I woke up to an enormous pain going through my body. I tried to get up. But I still couldn't move, and I could barely breathe. I tried to open my eyes quickly, but the lights were so bright that it pained me. So the next time I tried I went slowly. The room was completely white on all four sides, leaving me hopeless to know where I was. That was until a man in a white lab coat walked in, carrying a wooden clip board. "You're awake" he said.

"Don't move around too much, you might damage your body around the titanium" he said to me.

I looked down, observing the giant metal object lodged into my stomach.

"What the-"

"Don't worry, you're body is spontaneously healing to it, so you'll be fine." he said.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked him.

"I am your physician, you've been through a very painful incident, and my job is to make sure you are okay" he answered.

"If you're here to help me why is there a metal rod going through my body?" I asked him angrily.

"Because it's the only thing keeping you from killing everyone."

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, the compulsion that Marcus has held against you has put you into this state of mind where you are conscious of everything, but only have one objective; to in fact destroy Moscow.

I guess the nightmare wasn't over just yet. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Just three days," he answered. He walked up to me writing notes. "They're remarkable," he said to me. "The rapid speed that your cells are able to regenerate."

"Yeah, well it's not working so well for me right now," I said. "I'm not having any violent thoughts of nuclear destruction right now. So why don't you let me down, so I could leave?"

He laughed, "That's not going to happen." he answered, "Right now your mind is only revolving on the will that you need to get to Moscow to complete your mission. No matter how hard you fight it, if I let you free millions of people will die."

"So what you're just going to leave me up here for eternity?"

"No, but until we find a way to control your passions. We will need you in containment" he said to me.

A knock on the door stopped the conversation. "Come in," Doctor James said.

The door breezed open, and a guy in a uniform came in. "They're ready for you at the camp," he said to him.

"Well," Dr. James said, "Looks like I have to go." He collected his briefcase, and walked out of the door, and once again I was left alone in the room.

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