Chapter 19: Why didn't I open a tavern?

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I slowly woke up inside... Guess where? A prison cell! My favorite place! I was so tired of being dragged to jail... Couldn't I ever plunder freely? Scowling, I observed the depressing walls. The bastards had seized my weapons. Both guards by my cell were stern. I smiled since my kids and Francis were in a nearby cell... Don't judge me! Seeing them in prison didn't make me happy. I was only glad they weren't hurt. However, Miguel wasn't there... My heart pounded as I tried to imagine what those maniacs had done to him. What if the strangers and the mysterious evil lady had murdered him? I wanted to sob just with the thought of it! I gulped while thinking of Maartje, Laurens, and Willem... Had they been captured? I squeezed my eyes shut to avoid crying. When I was about to freak out, I heard steps. I grinned as two guards brought Gálvez to my cell... Not a single bruise! A huge weight had been removed from me. Besides, I was glad the seagull poop was no longer on his head. No one deserved to have that stuck to the hair.

"Miguel, I'm so glad you're alright!" I knit my brows. "Next time you worry me like that, I'll seize your rum."

"Fair enough," Gálvez chuckled softly. "I'm thrilled you're fine también."

We hugged each other tightly. Despite the horrible circumstances, that relaxed me significantly. Francis barked nonstop, making a guard roll his eyes. Gálvez and I sat next to each other while my daughters played in another cell... Yes, Luna and Tess had fun in jail!

"I'm sorry I couldn't fight those idiots," Miguel stared at the ground. "I should've protected you and the girls."

"This isn't your fault. The bastards also knocked me down," I gazed at my kids while sighing. "Why did the guards separate us from Tess and Luna? They'll cause trouble really soon..."

"Tell me about it," he bit his lower lip. "It's a matter of time until Luna steals the guard's hat."

We laughed softly. Although I tried to cheer up, that place brought the worst in me. I gulped while remembering Bosch's fingers smashing my neck bones again. That hurt me more than his death. Sweat ran down my back as I recalled my uncle on the Ocean Storm floor... The SHA had to pay for that! Uncle Ruben didn't deserve such cruelty.

"At least being arrested isn't as ridiculous as asking a boy out in exchange for my favorite flower," I raised my brows. "Have I told you this story?"

Gálvez shook his head in denial, "When did that happen?"

"I bet two gold coins that a guy would go out with me on my first try when I was thirteen. Maartje would get the coins if he refused," I rubbed my neck. "That wasn't my best night in Port Royal."

Miguel turned to me completely, "Really? Who did you ask out?"

"A boy leaning against a coconut tree. I couldn't see his face, but he wore a cocked hat and a coat too large for him," I chuckled while recalling that strange night. "He seemed to be a weird pirate like me."

The Spaniard sighed and gazed upwards for a moment, seemingly thinking. I frowned... What was he wondering about? I hoped he wouldn't laugh at my ridiculous attempt.

Gálvez pressed his lips together, "Did a man scold the boy before he had a chance to respond to the girl?"

"Yes! I was so scared that I dropped the flower and ran. The guy claimed to be the boy's father," my eyes bulged. "How did you know?"

"Was it rojo?" Miguel slightly downturned his head. "A red hibiscus?"

I gawked once I realized what had happened... Was I dreaming? That was too crazy! However, I had no reason to doubt Miguel. He said exactly what happened to the boy before I left.

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