Chapter 33: A vest strap makes a difference

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I slowly opened my eyes as the sun hit them from a window piece the curtain hadn't covered. Andrew's guest bedroom was the nicest place I'd ever slept in. Besides, that bed was absurdly comfortable... Don't judge me! I had a small one in Ocean Storm, but the mattress was too thin. Also, the pillows were incredibly soft. The light outside was intense, so I'd overslept. My nosy friends were probably wondering where I was. I pushed the blanket away since my clothes were warm enough. I couldn't help but sigh as Miguel woke up. There was nothing better than getting lost in his arms. We smiled at each other for an instant... How could that be so good? Sometimes I felt as if we could talk without saying a word. I'd never had that connection with anyone before... Crazy, right? It was the best feeling in the world.

Gálvez looked deep into my eyes, "I never want to sleep without you again."

"Me neither," my eyes gleamed. "If this is your strategy to escape sleeping in the same room as the kids, it worked."

"They're a great company, but I want to wake up with the woman I love," Miguel kissed my forehead. "You're amazing."

"So are you," my lips curled into a sweet smile. "Last night was incredible."

"Realmente," he took some hair off my face. "I wouldn't mind if we repeated it."

I winked, "What are you waiting for? I'm right here, guapo..."

He chuckled, "Where have you been all my life?"

When we were about to kiss, someone knocked. I gulped, hoping it wasn't an enemy. After putting our shoes, hats, and weapon belts back on, Gálvez and I walked away from the bed. I chewed on my lip, ready to destroy whoever had come to kill me... and spoil my fun, of course. I sighed in relief as Miguel opened the door.

I'm not dying today! Wonderful!

Andrew examined me, "I'm afraid to ask, but why were you two in my guest bedroom?"

Miguel and I looked at each other then back at Knight. Like a rebellious teenager, I bit my cheeks to hold a laugh. The admiral laughed softly as if he'd figured everything out.

"Thank God I slept on a Navy ship last night," Knight sighed. "Your friends were looking for you."

My eyes widened, "Are they here?"

"Come," Andrew analyzed the messy bed. "I'll burn those sheets later."

Maartje and Laurens smiled once we arrived at the living room. Francis ran to me and I hugged him, relieved he was safe. Miguel caressed my dog and got his hands licked. I wondered where the SHA men had gone... Had Knight sent them away? Also, I wrinkled my nose while remembering Juliette. That lady was the only person I hated more than everyone who wanted me dead... Don't judge me! Besides being cruel, that witch made advances to my man.

"You two disappeared!" my cousin breathed fast. "If it weren't for Andrew, we would've never found this house."

Laurens frowned, "Don't scare us again! What happened?"

Miguel and I smiled at each other for a second. Francis barked nonstop as if he'd found out the truth. My master gunner cocked his head to the side, apparently confused. Gálvez and I interlocked fingers, making my heart flutter. Maartje's eyes widened.

I glanced at my man, "We happened."

The Spaniard kissed me on the cheek. Laurens and Maartje cheered. I couldn't believe my friends... Weren't they insanely cute? I was lucky, I know! They hugged Miguel and me tightly, making me gasp. Francis wouldn't stop wagging his tail.

"I can't believe my best friends are together!" Laurens gave Miguel a pat on the back. "It was about damn time!"

Maartje grinned mischievously, "Should we expect a new baby soon?"

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