Chapter 26: From Amsterdam without love

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My head was spinning. I took several deep breaths, trying to think about rescuing my friends instead of Miguel's undeniable lips. We were so close to each other for a moment... Why wasn't I bothered? After all, romance became abominable once Dirk shattered my heart! That didn't make sense... Anyway, I couldn't let my emotions take control. Perhaps Maartje, Nuria, and Joaquim were right about the chemistry, but I couldn't let it get stronger. Miguel and I were just friends. The more I told myself that, the less my heart would jump like a child who had too much sugar when he was nearby. My thoughts were a mess while my friends and I ran to the lowest floor. I sneezed, wondering how someone could leave a house so dirty. Kidnapping Maartje and Laurens wasn't enough... The SHA also had to lock them in a place full of dust! Even Francis seemed upset.

Ricci peeked at the right, "The stronzi are still there. We'll have to fight them."

Nuria grabbed her blunderbuss, "That won't be necessary."

My eyes bulged as Miguel's sister shot both SHA men in the head. That was a little extreme, but they'd try to kill us if we didn't do it first... Don't judge us! You know I'm speaking the truth. I breathed insanely fast once we got to the tiny door... Would we really rescue our friends? That was too good to be true! I gulped while staring at the large padlock.

"How do we open this?" Giacomo rubbed his forehead. "It can't be broken by a sword."

Miguel searched the men's pockets, "No keys in here."

My eyes widened, "I have an idea. Step aside."

I really hope this works...

Shooting the padlock twice, I broke it almost entirely. Miguel nodded and grinned, seemingly proud... Did he need to have such a lovely smile? Damn it! Francis made me less distracted by barking loudly. Despite my dog's efforts, I couldn't stop thinking about Miguel.

Nuria gazed at her brother and I, "If you're done staring at each other, let's enter the room."

Gálvez rolled his eyes, "We aren't doing anything."

What should I do with this nosy family?

She shrugged and shot him a mischievous gaze. Maartje and Laurens ran to us with tears in their eyes. They hugged Miguel and me as if it was the last time. Francis licked their boots while I smiled widely.

Maartje's eyes gleamed, "I can't believe we haven't seen each other in a month! Being that woman's captive is horrible!"

"Based on your outfit, I assume you're the new quartermaster," Laurens gave Miguel a pat on the back. "Our ship was in good hands during my absence."

My cousin winked, "I'm sure you love those hands, Storm..."

I laughed nervously, "I missed you, Maartje."

"You didn't deny it! Interesting..." she slightly narrowed her eyes. "I missed you too. Where's my little boy?"

Miguel took a step forward, "I'll explain what happened..."

Gálvez told my cousin and Laurens what had taken place since the kidnapping. He mentioned leaving the kids at Rosa's, Andrew's situation with Mrs. Campbell, the truth about Joaquim... All but our almost kiss. I sighed in relief... Miguel was indeed a gentleman! Some guys told people about those things just to show off.

"I'm glad Knight helped us despite being Quartermaster Devil's brother," Maartje's lips curled into a sweet smile. "Thank you for keeping Willem safe. I'm sure Rosa will take good care of him."

"I'm happy our boy's alright," Laurens rubbed his chin. "That gives me an idea..."

I knit my brows, "Please don't tell me it's a dinner with Mrs. Campbell! I'll hit my head against the wall if I see that lady again."

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