Bonus 2: You had me at hibiscus

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Port Royal wasn't the best place for a thirteen-year-old girl. There were too many drunkards. Besides, the pirate outfit my uncle had given me was too large. I walked like a duck with those boots... Don't judge me! I was learning. Five months had gone by since my father's death. Despite his passiveness, I grieved the bastard... Stupid soft heart! Anyway, I tried to concentrate on the good parts of my life that night. I'd escaped my crazy stepmother, improved my fighting skills every day, found great friends... Nothing else could go wrong! I sighed while walking with Maartje around the city. She also looked strange in those clothes, but at least she didn't trip every second. Although I was quiet, I couldn't stop thinking about my dad. I needed to relax.

My cousin's eyes gleamed, "Do you want to steal some jewelry?"

"Not really," I glanced downward. "I'm tired."

"I hate seeing you sad!" Maartje knit her brows. "What's wrong?"

I wiped away a tear, "I'm still upset about what happened to my father a few months ago."

She caressed my back, "The more you think about it, the worse you'll feel."

"His death won't leave my mind!" my eyes bulged. "I need to relax. There must be something that can cheer me up..."

My cousin gazed upwards... Why was she hypnotized by the night sky? The moon was indeed beautiful, but Maartje froze. I approached her, wondering what she thought about. She smiled mysteriously, making me frown... I'd just shared my pain, so what could have made her happy?

"Here's a crazy idea," Maartje rubbed her chin. "Why don't you ask a boy out?"

She's insane!

I laughed hysterically... How absurd! Why did Maartje suggest that? I was the last girl someone would go out with. Also, I'd never thought about romance much. All I wanted was to fight and plunder. Getting too attached to someone freaked me out.

"I'm the definition of weird!" I pointed at my outfit. "Who would be crazy enough to say yes?"

Maartje raised her brows, "With that attitude? No one!"

I scowled, "What do you mean?"

"You're so pessimistic!" my cousin rolled her eyes. "If you want a boy, increase your confidence."

I crossed my arms, "Boys only like girls who do whatever they want. That's not me."

"Is this the sound of a wimp?" she chuckled. "Please! You're just scared of rejection."

My cousin did not just say that!

Shaking my head in denial, I wanted to punch a wall. I couldn't believe what I'd heard... The worst part was she had a point. I became determined to prove her wrong. There was no way I'd look like a coward. I had to talk to a boy, regardless of my imminent humiliation.

"I bet two gold coins a guy will say yes on my first try!" I flipped my hair like a silly girl. "Watch and learn."

"Deal!" Maartje looked around. "Who are you choosing?"

I gulped as we kept walking... No young boy was nearby. My heart pounded as the amount of older people increased. Yeah, I wasn't meant to have my first date that night... or was I? Gazing at the beach, I tilted my head to the side. A tall boy with dark-brown hair and olive skin leaned against a coconut tree. He had his back to me while staring at the sea, so I couldn't see his face. His coat was so oversized that it covered both hands while the hat hid most of his head... Almost as if he'd robbed the outfit! I smiled mischievously.

This strange boy might say yes!

Maartje followed me once I ran to a hibiscus bush. Grabbing a red hibiscus flower, I took a deep breath. Although I didn't know that boy, I had a feeling he was interesting. I was determined to approach the lonely stranger.

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