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The reactions to the plot twist in the previous chapter were so funny so here I am bringing you more unexpected stuff ;) (also no, you're not getting a part 2 to that hehe)

His eyes shot open all of a sudden, the brightness of the sun almost blinding him. He lay there for a moment, steadying his breath. Why was he out of breath? He didn't remember having a bad dream and he didn't do anything the previous night. He just remembered watching a movie and falling asleep. Strange.

Yawning, he sat up slowly, stretched his arms out and got used to his surroundings again. He did the same thing every morning; got out of bed, went to the toilet, got breakfast, trained a little, and then showered. It wasn't very exciting but it was better than sitting around doing nothing. Having the life of a ninja meant he never got to rest.

This morning felt odd though. It didn't feel like the ordinary morning where he'd just get up and stretch. There was this weird feeling in his stomach, almost sickly, and he couldn't quite place a finger on what it was. He'd never had it before. Maybe he just ate something funny. 

He stretched anyway, getting on with his morning routine. As he yawned again, he lifted a hand to his face to cover his mouth but stopped mid-yawn. For a moment he thought he'd seen something on his hand. So he quickly looked down, moving it away from his face and gasped as he spotted the crimson stain marks on them. 

"What the-"

Maybe he'd cut himself somewhere in the night. He was clumsy, even in his sleep, so he wasn't surprised. It wouldn't be the first time it happened. Although it was quite odd to wake up to, especially considering he felt odd. He shrugged it off and finished his yawn that had been so rudely interrupted.

As he began to pull the sheets back, he spotted more of the red spots. He really had cut himself somewhere. But where and on what? 

And then he saw it. It wasn't just on him and the covers, but on the bedsheets too. Right beside him on the bed were huge marks and hand prints, hands maybe the size of Jay's. They weren't just small marks but rather huge spots, enough to freak him out. 

"Are scientists sure guys can't have periods or..."

Making jokes about it would hopefully calm him a little but it definitely confused him. Wherever he'd cut himself, it must be serious and seeing Zane right away would probably help. It could be something serious. 

So he got out the bed, and of course finding even more blood marks on the carpet, the previously clean carpet, and checked his body for where he'd cut himself. After looking for a good few minutes, he couldn't find anything. And that's when he became suspicious.

Was he just seeing things or had something actually happened?

Not bothering to get dressed, he headed out of the room and down the corridor. There were more blood spots around but not as bad as they were in his bedroom. If he found someone, specifically Cole, to help him figure out what was going on then he'd be less panicked. Cole always knew how to calm him down. He didn't know what he'd do without his best friend. 

Wandering into the main room and jumping back at the sight of even more blood, more than he'd ever seen in his entire life, he gasped, staring straight at the body laying in the middle of the floor.


He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Something really had happened and he didn't remember any of it. Why was there blood everywhere? Why was his friend's body laying on the floor? Why was there so much blood in his bed? 

"Oh finally, you're awake." the dark haired boy stated.

He glanced up at the person standing above the body, holding rags and also covered in blood.

"I- wha- Cole?"

"Are you going to help me clean this up or what?" 

What the fuck happened last night? 

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