Chapter 14: Shipwreck Cove

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General POV.

The Black Pearl sailed into Shipwreck island.

Where there it was.

Hundreds of ships stapled up eachother.

Made into a huge fortress.

'Look at that.' Pintel said breathtaken.


There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime.' Barbossa said.

'And I owe them all money' Jack said taking a step forward biting on his lip.

Once inside the Courtroom

Barbossa started the debate.

'As he who issued summons, I convene this, The Fourth Brethren Court.' Barbossa started.

Jack was looking around seeing all the swords penetrated in the globe.

'To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns' Barbossa said.

All the captains started pulling things out of their pockets.

Sumbhajee Angria Pirate Lord of the Indian sea pulled out a piece of goat's horn and put in into the tin basket Ragetti was going with around.

Chevalle Pirate lord of the Mediterranean Sea pulled out a card and put it in the basket.

Eduardo Villanueva Pirate Lord of the Adriatic Sea pulled out the top of an broken bottle.

'These aren't piece of eight. These are nine pieces of Junk' Pintel softly said.

'Aye. The original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso.' Gibbs explained.

'But when the first court met, the Brethren were to a one skint broke.'

Jocard Pirate lord of the Atlantic Ocean pulled out the sharp ends of an knife.

Mistress ching Pirate lord of the Pacific ocean, pulled out a small pair of glasses and put it in the tin.

Then it was Ammand Pirate Lord of the Black sea. He pulled out a small cup.

Ragetti came up towards Barbossa again.

'Master Ragetti, if you will.' Barbossa asked him.

'I kept it safe, just like you said when you gave it to me.' Ragetti said to Barbossa.

'Aye you have. But now I need it back.' Barbossa said.

He slapped Ragetti on the back of his head making his fake eye pop out and landing in the tin bucket.

'Sparrow!' Eduardo said.

Jack turned to everyone. He fastly was going over the small coin hanging over his head band before walking to the others.

'Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us.' Jack said explaining it to the others.

'Sao Feng is dead.' Rosemary's voice sounded.

Which made everyone look around.

It was Rose standing there with Sao Feng's crew.

'He fell to the Flying Dutchman.' Rose said while walking over to the globe with swords.

'The Plagueship.' Mistress Ching said while standing up.

Rose pushed her sword into the globe.

'He made you captain?' Jack said his eyes turning big.

Rose ignored him and walked over to the big table.

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