Chapter 26: Rosemary vs Beckett

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General POV.

The pearl was hovering on the water.

She was not moving and it looked like she was anchored.

'What are they waiting for?' Beckett's first mate asked.

'He expects us to honor our agreement.' Beckett answered smirking.

The endeavor was preparing their guns and gun ports.

To shoot the Black Pearl into oblivion.

'It's nothing personal, Jack.

It's just good business.' Beckett spoke.

The endeavor was fastly gaining up towards the Pearl.

And everyone was waiting for Jack or Rose to do something.

But they stayed put.

Elizabeth was watching over the sea in the hopes of an miracle.

But she was actually right.

Suddenly a few hundred meters behind the Pearl a ship popped up above the water.

It was the Flying Dutchman with Will standing on the rail watching towards the Pearl.

'Ah she survived.' Beckett said.

Beckett didn't know of the fact that the former captain of the Dutchman didn't make it.

'this is our chance.' Rose yelled towards the crew.

'Wait for my signal but stay close.

Beckett doesn't know Jones is dead.

Let's keep it that way.

Act scared for the Dutchman.' Rose was explaining while she pulled of her coat and looked at her sword and knive. Before she walked to the side of the ship and jumped overboard.

'Wait for the signal' She yelled towards Jack.

And she swam towards the Flying Dutchman.

It was just a few hundred meters.

But Rose could feel she was getting tired.

'God hopefully this is almost over.' She said to herself.

Before climbing aboard of the Dutchman.

Everyone was looking at her a bit weirded out.

'Explain yourself miss.' Someone asked her.

'Where's Will?' Rose asked and was looking around.

But Will was stepping forward.

Rose started bawling her eyes out.

And jumped around his neck.

'oh my god. I'm so glad' Rose said in a full out ugly cry.

After a few moments Rose regrouped herself.

'Okay I made a plan.

We need Beckett.. but dead.' Rose said looking at Will.

'Beckett doesn't know Davy is dead and you've taken his place.

So that's why I'm here.

He'll let you come close.

And that's when I sneak up and kill him.' Rose explained.

'I think I deserve to kill him ' Rose said shrugging.

To which Will let out a laugh.

'I think you deserve that to.'

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