Meet My Family

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Jayden 💕
"Hey, Did you find everything okay?" I ask the customer "Yes I did thank you, Do you know if that woman over there is single?" The customer asks me in a low tone "She is" I smile "What's her name?" "Dani" I say "She is so hot, Do you think she would be interested in someone like me?" The customer asks "It's a possibility! Shoot your shot!" I smile "Thank you" she smiles back "No problem!" I smile again
"Lyndon wants to see you in her office" Aliyah rolls her eyes, bitch is just mad because she has been crushing on Lyndon since forever but Lyndon doesn't want her dry pussy whore ass "Yes" I step in the office "Close the door" Lyndon demands while spinning in the chair "I see you out there looking all sexy and delicious" Lyndon gets up from the chair, starts moving around me slowly, She slaps my ass which makes me jump "Mmm" she moans out as she lifts me then puts me on her desk, She places her body between my legs "You are just so fine" Lyndon kisses my lips... I place my arms around her as I deepen the much needed kiss, "I want you" I whisper "Soon baby... Soon" she kisses me one last time before we both return to work. Lyndon and I have yet to have sex, I don't know what she is waiting for but shiiit I'll wait as long as she wants me to wait!
Lyndon Mikael
"Mom I've been seeing someone for a few months now and I'd love for you to meet her" I smile "Aww baby, Are you sure, It's only been a few months?" Mom asks "Yes mom, Everything about her is amazing, she is very caring, sweet and so beautiful" I smile just thinking about Jayden "Okay baby if you want me to meet her I will" "Tonight?" I ask "Sure!" She smiles "Ok I will cook... Bring my sister moms, I love you" I give my mother a kiss then leave for work.
"Dani and Brandon get to work!" I laugh "Bro look at this!" They show me a video of a monkey sucking its own penis "Ewww what the hell" I walk away, "That's disgusting!" I laugh. I head to my office to put my phone, jacket and keys away, Once I walk into my office I see Jay sitting on the couch "Babe what are you doing?" I ask her "Where were you?" She gets up to approach me "My moms, You are going to meet her tonight" I pull Jayden in, Planting my soft lips on hers... We lock eyes with each other and share a much needed kiss. "Oh and my sister" I smile "Ok" Jayden doesn't sound too excited "Is this.. too much?" I ask "Nah it's fine, I just I umm... never mind" she walks out

Meeting Lyndon's mother and sister might be a great idea but I wish my mother was here to meet Lyndon, She would love her. My siblings don't even live close, We barely talk anymore since moms passed and I just really miss her. I honestly don't know how I'm still here without her but I am.  "Babe are you okay?" Lyndon comes up behind me at the cash register "Yeah I'm fine, What time tonight?" I ask "Six" she says "Okay" I say as I ring up the next customer "Hey Lyndon!" The customer speaks "Oh my gosh heyyy girl" Lyndon goes around the counter and hugs the girl "How have you been?" She asks as I continue ringing the stuff up, They have a whole conversation and Lyndon never introduced me to her... "Sooo" I say once the woman leaves "She's just a friend I went to school with, Babe come on if she was important I'd introduce y'all but she's a no one" Lyndon walks off... "What's up!" Dani puts a twenty on the counter "What's this for?" I ask "Lunch girl, Lyndon didn't tell you?" Dani looks confused and so do I "Tell me what?" I ask "She is going out with her sister for lunch" Dani says "Ohh umm ok" I say "You can have lunch with me" Dani smiles "Umm it's okay I'm just going to go home for a while, I'll be back later" I unlock the drawer grab my keys then walk out of the shop, Something seems off but I just don't know what yet.  Incoming call from Unique
"Hey is everything okay?" I answer concerned
"Jailene got into a fight, she was arrested she broke the girl's  arm and fractured her jaw"
"Oh my God! Where are you?" I ask
"At the hospital, The police are reviewing the video and it doesn't look good for Jailene she might be charged" Unique sighs
"Let me know what happens okay, If she wants me let me know. I will keep my phone on" I then hang up, Anger fills my mind
Lyndon Mikael

"Sis whatever you do please do not ask her any sexual questions, Just be polite, talk about anything other than sex because I haven't even had sex with her yet" I say "Hold up, Lyndon, Lyndon Mikael hasn't had sex with this new girl she's dating" My sister chuckles "I actually like it this way, I like the slow motion, My relationships never last when I rush into sex" I take a sip of my peach lemonade "Who got you drinking peach lemonade?" My sister laughs "Jay, I tried hers and it was good" I say "You really like her... oooo" My sis squeals "Shut up" I laugh "So like y'all kissed though right?" "Really Lo?" I laugh at my sister trying to be all up in my business "Oh come on tell me" "Yes we have kissed nosey ass" I take a bite of my sandwich "So just kissing but no sex, Damn, Sis you gonna marry her?" Lotus asks... I choke on my food because I was not expecting that question "Umm I don't know" I say... yes I am going to marry her... "I can't wait to meet her..." Lotus smiles
6:10pm - Jayden King
"Are you okay babe?" Lyndon asks as we head inside "Ye yeah I'm fine" I say as I pull my white jeans up so my boxers aren't showing "Bae relax" Lyndon kisses me before we enter the house "I'm good" I lie. Once inside Lyndon and I wash our hands, I help her set the table and we wait for her mother and sister to come. "Come here" Lyndon pulls me into her, her hands around my waist as she kisses me softly, I of course kiss back until a knock interrupts us "HEYYYY MOM!" Lyndon hugs her mom and sister "Hey Mrs. Mikael I'm Jayden, Jayden King" I shake her hand "Nice to meet you" she says "Hi I'm Lotus" Her sister extends her hand which I shake. We all sit down and fill our plates "So you have kids?" Lotus asks "Yes, Two" I smile "What are their names?" Her mother asks "Jayden Jr and Jailene" I say "Nice nice," she smiles "Do you want more children?" Lotus asks.. I look at Lyndon "Um yes.. Two more maybe" I answer... "Are you with my daughter because you actually like her or is this just a game for you?" I almost spit out my drink "I like your daughter ma'am, I am not one to play games" I respond "When was the last time you had sex?" Her sister asks.. The questions are honestly starting to make me uncomfortable "I rather not answer" I say as I take a gulp of my water. Lyndon looks at me "When?" Her mother speaks "Ma'am not trying to be rude but that is my business and my business only." I say "Lyndon that's not something you care about?" Her mother Asks "Mom come on" Lyndon says "Ok, Have you ever had sex with a man?" Her mother asks "No never" I get up from the table and head outside, My ears start ringing so I sit down on the stairs with my hands over my ears.
Lyndon Mikael
"Why the hell would you ask that?" I get up from the table when my sister grabs me "She did didn't she?" "No she never even been with a man, Her mother passed away from Cancer years ago and meeting families are hard for her, She's been through a lot and I told y'all no sexual questions my gosh" I walk away from my mother and sister to check on Jayden who stormed out of the house "Babe, babe are you okay?" I rub her back "Jay?" I move her hands from her ears "You okay?" I ask but she doesn't respond "Babe!" I call out again but still no answer... after a few seconds she comes to "Sorry" she says before explaining what happened to her and why she couldn't respond to me "It's okay babe" I kiss her forehead "No offense but I'm uncomfortable" Jay says "With me?" I ask "No, not you... Your family and their questions" Jayden responds "I'll have them leave" I go to get up "No it's okay I'll leave you eat and have family time" Jayden gets up but I take her hand in mine "I don't want to lose you Jay, Not over them and or anyone else" "You're not losing me I promise you" Jayden kisses me then leaves....

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