Part 1

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:Note the picture up the top is what Emily looks like. She pretty much looks like a mini Letty looks exactly the same as her mum.

Hi my name is Emily Mia Toretto I am 14 years old my the daughter of Dominic Toretto and Letty Ortiz and this is my life with the best family and fast cars.

( Emily pov)

Right now I am sitting on a stole at the Toretto family café doing some homework that I wanted to get done before tonight so I don't have to do any homework on the weekend. Mia is behind the counter working and my dad was in the office doing who knows what.

After awhile I heard a car pull up I know who the person was his name is Brian he has been coming here for the last 6 weeks and he orders the worst tuna fish sandwich that we have.

He came in and sat on the stole next to me Mia didn't need to look up at the book she was writing in to ask him the same thing everyday since he has been coming here. She said " Tuna on white no crust right". Brian looked up at her from reading his magazine and asked the most stupid question that he always ask. He Said "I don't know how is it" and then Mia said " Well it crap yesterday it was crap the day before and guess what it has not changed". he just said " I will have the tuna" and Mia said " No crust". Brian just nodded his head Mia turn around and started making the sandwich.

I saw my dad get up from his chair to grab a beer I saw Brian look at him and my dad looked at Brian. My dad also looked at me and he had a kind of a angry look I will tell you why. So I got send home from punching a girl in the face to I am know to have a short temper when people make me angry and my dad was not happy about it see everyone at my school think that I am wired because I am like a tomboy I like walking on cars and going to street racers and all that. My dad will get over it but hopefully gets over soon so that I can go to the street race with him and mum tonight.

When Brian was eating I heard more cars pull up and I knew again just by the sound of the cars it is the rest of family which means that I have to face my mum and tell her what I did unless she already knows.

Jesse and Leon came up to hug me and then went to the sunglasses being weird like always. Vince came in next and sat right next to Brian. Vince never really liked Brian actually he hates him he always has to fight him when ever Brian leaves which gets Mia mad.

then mum came in and gave me a hug and I went back to my home she went to dad and stood outside the door and asked if he wanted something to drink and just held his beer to show her and then she came back over to me and said. " So I heard from dad that he had pick you up early again want to tell me about that". I looked up at her and looked and back at her I said " Ok I my have punched this girl because she was saying I was wired because I work on cars so I hit her I am sorry ok can please come to the street race tonight please". She looked at me and then went back to talk to dad about and looked back at me and smiled and I run to her and dad and thank you and went back to do my homework which I was nearly done.

when all that was happening Vince was getting mad at Brian. Brian was getting up to leave then Vince got up to follow him a fight was getting ready happen. Vince throw the first punch and a fight broke out. Mia turn to look at her brother and said " Dom would get there already I am done with all this I am serious Dom get out there". Dad got up out of his chair and said." What did you put in that sandwich". She said " That really funny". Then mum got annoyed at dad and said "Dom" she looked at me and so did dad. See they don't having me watching them fight because then I fight at school. Dad sighed and went out to stop the fight.

I didn't hear anything that was being said outside but all I know is that Brian is no longer to come around hear because of the fights that him and Vince do.

Dad came back with Vince, Leon and Jesse and came up to and said "Lets go racing and make sure you stay with one of us the hole". I nodded and packed up my stuff good thing I done all my homework. We packed the café and went home to get ready for I have night of street racing.

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