Part 7

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It's now summer my car is al done I took it out for a test drive and it was amazing to drive I was so happy how it turn out.
Right now I was following dad to race I new for a fact the Mitchell was going on o be there but be with Tran's gang this is going to one hell of a ride.
I got lined up for my first race dad though I could do this one on my own. I looked at how I was racing and it was Mitch I smiled at him he yelled out "$100 winner takes all and good luck with your first race out here". I smiled and nodded. The lady waved her flag for as to go it was neck a neck we where half way down Mitch put his Nos on to early and I don't know why he knows better but I put mine on and I won.
We got out of our cars and he handed me the money but I gave him some back and we smiled at each other and walked our own ways cause both our own groups are here and we don't want to have both of our families having a fight here we just want a good time.
It was late at night and I was getting to pack everything up and get ready for dinner on the van but everyone was outside and Mia was really at dad and mum about something I don't know and the gang just got up and left so I walked out of the van and asked. " Mia where are they going now". And all she was "They are doing a job and your dad might go to jail again". Then Brain came over and told as he was a cop I was shocked a though of him as a second father now and I saw Mitch come over as well and Mia looked at him and said " Mitch I need to go back to the house with Emily please thank Mitch".
And with that we left.
After a long wait at the house everyone came back but Leon left and mum said she would go as well to keep me save I didn't want her to but she wanted me here with Mia and so I just want to my room and just listen to all the screaming outside I hated when they all scream at each other.
Me and Mitch just looked at each other and sign all we know is dad knows about Mitch being in Trans gang and left to flee and now Mitch and me are now living with Mia this is just great I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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