Part 2

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We got to the street race and got out of the cars. I was in dad's car see I always in dad's car and if there is trouble or any cops around I go with him or with mum so that they can keep a eye o me and I don't get caught by cops.

I saw my dad go up and talk to these random girls and I saw my face and she did not look happy she did a little sniff in the air and said "I smell skanks why don't you girls go before I punch you in the face". I tired so to don't laugh or my dad said was "Letty I was just talking". I just laughed at how childish my parents can be some time by parents looked mad that I was laughing so I stopped.

We saw Hector come and they where talking about what to do for the race I don't really get it some times but some times I do. then Brian come up and said " I have a pink slip to my car. So any when but me wins they can take my car. But if I will I take the cash and I take the respect". when Brain said that some people kind of laughed at him but I smiled at him and so did Mia I knew she liked him a lot.

Everyone went and looked at Brian's car it was a really nice car I liked it a lot then they all went to the starting line. I said good luck to my dad I know he is going to win he always does. tonight he is racing a couple of skate boarders.

Leon gave Hector the all good to start the race and the race was of when they all came back dad won the race he always does. Hector gave dad the money and dad gave the money to count it and then he came to me and mum and said to mum " Your my trophy". Picked mum up and hugged her then came up to me and tackled me in a hug I smiled and laughed when he did that I love my dad so much. Then Brian came back he car had smoke coming out of the car. Jesse went up to the car and pulled the top up and all this smoke came out of it everyone laughed at him then dad said " What are you smiling at". Then Brian said "Dud I all most had you". Everyone laughed with him but then my dad said " You never had me you never had your car". Then dad just went on of went Brian should have done then he said to someone " Almost had me". everyone just laughed then looked at me said " Emily what do I always say". I smiled and said "It does not matter if win by a inch or a mile winning is winning". Everyone clapped and cheered as I said that mum came up to me and wrapped my head and dad hugged me.

Then we all heard Leon said "Cops we got cops everyone go". Everyone left quickly dad got me and we drove to the hide where dad packs he car and then we just walk home. Then we heard a cop car and we started to run we then saw Brian's car pull up and we both got in and drove fast to get away from the cop car we lost him but we where on the other side of town.

I zoned out by just looking out the window so I didn't hear what dad said but I felt his arm tight around me I was sitting on my dad lap because Brain's car was only a 2 seater car so I sat on my dad's lap when I felt his arm go tight around me I knew they where talking about when dad had to do 2 years in prison 'when he went to prison for those to years I did not know what he did at the time to go to prison for but then I got told when I 12 year old why we are always running from cops. Dad always says that he always want to keep me safe that is why I have to be with one person of family when we go places especially street racers.

Then we heard motorbikes came up to as I looked where we were and we where in Johnny Tran's area of town one of the guys held his gun up to the window and said follow us and we did we came to this Chinese church place and got out of the car.

Tran spoke first "I though we had a deal you stay away I stay away everyone wins". "We got lost what can I tell you". My dad said I was staying behind dad like always but then I saw Mitchell ok Mitchell is a guy that I like in school I knew he was a part of Tran's gang

Mitchell and me always talk at school but when we are with our family or he his with his gang we act like we hate each other but we don't. I would never tell my parents that I like someone from Johnny Tran's gang that would be a long talk.

Then they left but Johnny and Lance came back and started shooting at the car and me ,Brain and dad all ran away to get cover then the car blow up it actually kind of cool to see the car blow up but it sucked because we had to walk home.

Brian asked dad what that was all about so dad told him that a deal did not go right and that he always sleep with his sister what a idiot all this happened before I was born thank the Lod.

Now it time for a long walk home.


Thank you so much for reading this book I have been wanting to right a fast and furious series book.

Emily is my person that I made so is Mitchell

I love fast and furious so much my favourite person is Brian O'Connor .

There might a few changes to the story to fit Emily and Mitchell story in as well

Thank you again

Ps: I will try and right a chapter everyday

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