Part 3

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When we finally got home I was tired and I new that my dad was not happy with the team not coming to look for him or even me I just wanted to work on the car that when I am done with it and I turn 15 get to drive it so I said to dad that I want to build my own car I still have a long way to go before it is done.

when we got to the house dad turn around and asked Brian if he wanted a beer which he was happy to. When we walked in I saw mum playing on the play station and Vince playing the guitar to impress some girl. The house was in full party mood I like parties but tonight I just want to work on my car. I hugged mum and then dad went up to Vince and asked where he was and then took his beer and gave it to Brain. Then Brian asked do we have a bathroom and dad told him where it was.

After a while mum and dad went up to there bedroom so I asked them. " Mum, Dad I will in the garage working on the car". They just said ok but I new the way that my mum said it she new something was up with me.

I walked out of the house and went to the garage to work on my car I find the car at a car track it was so out of shape that we had to get so much staff for the body work it still needs a lot of work. But when I was working my mind was more thinking about Mitch I wish I could tell my family about him but they would hate him for what gang he belongs to but he is a different when he is not with Tran's gang.

I was under the car working when I herd footsteps coming in I grabbed what ever I could ready to hit. But when I got up I saw it was just Mitch I was shocked to see him there. " What are you doing here if you get caught". "I promise I won't get caught I just wanted to see you and ask if I could bring my car around tomorrow to get checked up". I looked at him like he as crazy. " Look I know it crazy but I know your dad saw me last night and I know he knows that we are friends because I saw him looking at me a couple of times and I just want to tell him that I am a nice person and that I will not hurt you and I also want to tell you that I like you a lot and I want to ask if you would be my girlfriend tonight because I can't wait any longer to ask". I was shocked when he said all that and all I just said was. "Yes of course I will be your girlfriend". He picked me up and hugged me we were about to kiss we herd a hmm and we turn around and saw my mum we where both shocked. "Mum before you say anything I was going to tell you guys but I didn't know how to and I really like him a lot". all mum just said "I kind of knew for awhile now I promise that I will not say anything to dad but Mitch I am ok with it but asking Dom I don't know how that is going to go but I approve. It will be ok for you Mitch to come and bring your car and to tell Dom.

I smiled at her and hugged her I said good night to Mitch and love you and went back inside after I cleaned up in the garage with mum's help. Everyone finally left home and I was now 2:00am in the morning and I went to bed and fell asleep smiling.

I can't believe I have a boyfriend now and that mum is ok hopefully dad is ok with it tomorrow I hope he I guess I will find out tomorrow.


Here is Part 3 please leave a comment and vote let me know how I am going

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