Part 5

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We where having a Barbecue for dinner today I was outside with dad and and Mitch clocking the chicken and mum and Mia was making the salad and other things inside we hard cars pull up it was Jesse and Vince and Loen bringing more food from the shop. Vince took one look at Mitch and Brian and gave the bag that he was holding to Leon and left dad trued to stop him and asked for him to come help but he just left.
Dad yelled out to Miss and said " Mia the chicken is dry and the kids got to eat". I looked at Mitch and laughed when he said the kids got to eat. Mia came out with the food and dad took the chicken out and we all sat down I sat next to Mitch on my right and my dad on the left he is always at the head of the table. Jesse went to get food first but dad stop him and dad said " cause you where the first to touch the food first you a grace". Jesse signed and " dear spirt thank you for the food and fast card amen". Everyone laughed cause he was praying to the car gods we got our food and I was talking to Mitch and Brian about cars.
Then we saw Vince walking up the driveway and Leon said " I though you where not hungry man". And I just said while looking up at him " He is always hungry". Dad just gave me look telling me to shut up pretty much.
We all eat our dinner and Mitch went home and I went to the garage to work on mu car I was under the hood again when I heard footsteps coming in and I said " You know I always know when it is you dad" dad just laughed what I said and came over to look at the car and said " how it going almost to with the engine" I just nodded I can't wait to start the paint job on it. Dad just looked at me and told me to stop I looked at like he was crazy and he said " before you go crazy I am going to put you race wars this summer I know your ready and before I change my mind I want you to stop for the night and go to bed I want to teach you something tomorrow and also I like Mitch and mum already told me about him" I just hugged and said " of course mum already told you about Mitch before I had the chance to and yes I can't wait for race wars and good night" I hugged dad goodnight and went to bed.

Part 5 is up
Please let me know how my book is going on the comments I know it been awhile but here is the next part

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