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~ ~ Cameron ~ ~

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~ ~ Cameron ~ ~

"Morning Larry." I tipped my head to the security guy on the front desk.

"Mornin' Mr Harte. Nice day for it."

Not likely. I stifled a yawn walking past him, heading straight to the lifts. I'd only managed around three hours' sleep in total.

Shifting my Starbucks to my other hand, I hit the button for the twentieth floor.

I rose onto my toes, stretching my calves out. At five, I'd got up and headed out for a run with Finn to try to get my head in a better place. But after showering and dressing, I'd then spilled half a mug of coffee on me.

So now I was wearing shirt number two and a tie I fucking hated. So, it was fair to say my mood was already in the shitter and about to get a whole lot worse when I had to come face to face with the arsehole who'd taken my job.

Arriving in the office, it was quiet. Staff rarely arrived before eight and it was only just past seven-thirty. Wanted to get a head start on re-hashing my CV to get it out there. I was also considering looking into securing some financial backing for the new software I'd been developing with Finn. I'd aimed it at novice writers, helping them with hands-on editing, making self-publishing more of a reality for struggling authors.

And it wasn't something I wanted to share with Peterson House Publishing. It was my idea and Finn's genius developer skills bringing it to life. And it would blow the competition out of the water and make us a pretty penny.

I reached for my door handle, opening the door a fraction to my office when Thom popped his head out from his office.

"Look at you, wearing a suit—trying to impress someone buddy?"

Thom James ...what a wanker. "Nah, got an interview." I lied, but it would put his nose out of joint. His face furrowed.

"Who with? I've not heard anyone's hiring."

I let go of the door handle and tapped my nose. Oh yeah, that pissed him off. His jaw twitched. "Headhunted, if you must know."

I enjoyed pushing his button. It was too easy.

Thom thought he was shit-hot at everything. God's gift to anything and everything. Tosser had slept with half of the women in this building alone. His dick was always pointing to the nearest vagina. Never understood what women saw in him—yeah, he had that boyish charm going for him but honestly, I couldn't see the appeal.

But he was tolerable in small doses. "Catha later, Thom."

"Sure," he nodded. "See you in the boardroom at nine-thirty to meet the new head honcho."

I forced a smile, flicking my chin up.

"Save you a seat." I heard him say, but I was already shutting my door, my eyes landing on the back of someone's head. Someone female.

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