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~ ~ Beatrix ~ ~

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~ ~ Beatrix ~ ~

I was about to wear a hole in the plush Persian rug as I paced barefooted, worrying a hole in my cheek at the same time. Cam and Finn were rummaging around in the kitchen and the amount of curses being thrown around, clearly said they weren't freakin' happy.

But neither was I.

Cam's insistence that he was 'okay' with giving up their software for me was not sitting well. My stomach bunched in knots. He may think that today, but what about next month... next year? He was clearly not thinking straight, or rather with his heart. And Finn, he would never rock the boat with Cam. Love was suffocating his common sense.

Arrrrgh!   I wanted to tear my hair out. I had no doubt it would come back and bite me in the arse and cause resentment down the line and blow what we had to pieces.

And I couldn', wouldn't let that happen.

Think. Think. Think. Fuuuuuk!

I dropped onto the bed, lying next to my empty suitcase running through my options.

Bolting upright. It hit me.

Why hadn't I thought about it before? I slapped my forehead.

Could it work? Would she be interested?

I twisted around, searching my bed for my phone. There, I grabbed it.

Door. I was up off the bed closing the door, so Cam and Finn didn't hear my conversation. Hitting Ivy's number, she picked up after the second ring.

"I haven't baked that humble pie yet," she threw out.

In hindsight, Ivy had done me a favour by encouraging Cam and Finn to come over. "Screw the pie. I need your help."

"Give me a second." I heard some shuffling and whispering. "Shoot. What do you need?"

"I need you to track down Olivia for me—if she's in Canada."

"Olivia as Olivia Peterson...Sean's sister?"

"Yep. The one and only. You still chat with Deakin, yeah?" Deakin was Olivia's personal assistant.

I hurried through my idea as she hummed in agreement. Ivy as ever was enthusiastic and of the same opinion—what did I have to lose? And it sure beat sitting here and doing nothing. I was done with letting others dictate my life. Sean Peterson could go fuck himself.

I breathed easier when Ivy said she would make a few calls and get back to me. Now I had to wait, and patience had never been my friend. Resuming pacing I dropped my hands to my side shaking my wrists and rolled my neck whilst I distracted myself playing out the conversation in my head with Cam and Finn, hoping they could see an opportunity for all three of us—if Olivia took my meeting.

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