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~ ~ Beatrix ~ ~

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~ ~ Beatrix ~ ~


Whoosh... Whoosh

That was the sound of blood pounding through my ears as my legs gave way and I dropped down in my chair.  The tightness wrangling with my throat blindsided me as I listened in some surreal dream-like state.

Seb had raped Cam.  Seb, my brother.

Unnerved and sickening swells of nausea built on top of the numbness.  Every one of Finn's words were carefully weighted and fraught with emotion.  I could taste the hurt and anger woven between each of his measured breaths.

"Trix?"  Footsteps came closer, but I didn't dare look up as the colour seeped from my face.

My body in conflict, I felt both hot and cold, my chiffon blouse pasted itself to my back with a clammy cold sweat.  I flinched when a hand pressed down on my shoulder.

"What's going on?" whispered Ivy, inclining her head.

I raised a finger to press it to my lips.  She understood and perched her behind on the edge of my table, waiting for me to finish the phone call.

"You believe what I'm telling you is the truth?"  I heard Finn ask.  "Cam never hurt you—not intentionally, Trix. He kept this from you so not to hurt you."

He paused; the line went quiet.

"He loves you, Trix, and right now the thing that's destroying him—is losing you."

Losing me?  My pain now seemed unimportant, insignificant in the equation.

"None of this was Cam's fault.  You believe that too, yeah?"

Believe that Cam had been raped by my brother?  Believe at his most vulnerable, passed out he'd been tied down and abused not only physically but emotionally too?  Raped by a person he'd trusted—loved like a brother?

Shuddering, digging my nails into palms. I wanted to throttle my brother, no scrap that, I wanted to murder him.

"Trix, talk to me."  There was torment in Finn's voice.  And there was no doubting the depth of his feelings for Cam.  He was bleeding for him.

"Yes, I believe you."

An audible sigh left his lips. "I know I've just dropped a fucking bomb and trust me, this was the last way I wanted you to find out about any of this." He sighed and I heard him swallow. "But I need to ask you something and I'll beg if need be."

"Ask me."

"Can you go there and be with him?" I heard him beep his horn and hiss a curse.  "I don't want him to be on his own."

There was never a question of whether I would go. "Yes. I'll head there now."

"One more thing." He blew out a breath.  "Tell him I'm sorry, and he's the last person I would ever hurt."

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