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    I look down at Mandy as blood pools from her ear, or at least where her ear use to be. She growls deep in her throat and pushes me off of her.
        "Bitch! You will pay for this!"She lunges at me and I grab the gun by it's battle from the ground where I dropped it, smacking her in the side of the head with it.
    She hisses and punches me in the cheek. I see stars in my vision as I stumble away. I shake my head and stand talk. Laughing as she tries to stand.
    That knock to her head with the gun must have knocked her off balance. I run at her as she makes it to her feet. I hit her in her abdominal area, then in her chest knocking her down. She screams as she tumbles down one flight of stairs, lading on the stairwell landing with a sickening crunch.
    Just when I think she is dead and I am done with this whole thing she props herself up. Standing on unsteady feet. Laughing her sickening laugh.
    My blood runs ice cold as I look down at her. Her stone hard eyes meeting mine.
        "I will kill you!"She screams running up the stairs. I back away but not fast enough. She Shiva something deep into my stomach. I look down at the knife protruding from me and smile.
    "Thanks."I pull it out and in one swift motion, cut her throat ending her for good.
    I stumble my way over to the room door and look at Annabelle. She is crying.
        "What's wrong?"I huff as I use the door frame for support as so I do not fall face first into the linoleum door.
         "Your going to die!"I shake my head.
        "Never."I say just as I head several footsteps coming up the stairs. The police.
    I smile as the world goes dark and blood gushes from my mouth. I crumple to the floor.
    I am looking up at a giant set of gold gates. Heaven stands before me. I feel so at piece. But when I step towards the fate I stop.
    What I hear next makes me both smile and want to cry.
    My Mothers angelic voice sounds from behind me. "Oh Mary what are you doing here, this isn't your time, no where near close."
        "Mommy?"I ask not even turning to face the source if the voice, afraid of what I might find.
    I hear her old familiar laugh. "Yes my dear, it is me. I need you to know two things before you go back. One, you are not to blame for what befell me that day. I did not drown out if fatigue. I drowned because I had a stroke, a stroke that would have taken me anyway, no matter if seas or dry land.
    You have to stop blaming yourself for something that was in no way your fault. Marrigold, live your life and stop blaming yourself."With that I feel myself being dragged back. I gasp as I open my eyes.
    There is a tube in my throat and I can't move my neck. I look around the room and see no one. I close my eyes and think. Why does this have to keep happening.
    Why am I so alone?
Well there it is.
I hope you guys liked it, sorry I couldn't make it longer, I am having the worst day in the history of my life. I mean like my Dad is just hating on me non stop I haven't talked to my......friend, all day! And I am just iterated.
Well hope you liked it my Perfect Little Angles.





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