The Date

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    I guess its a date. I wish it wasn't. I hope it's not. God I am confused. I want to run away. Uh I am blushing. I am walking down the hall now. My face probably looks like a cherry tomato. Such an embarrassment to the world. Oh Jesus. I want to cry. This is so not right.

    I never thought that this would happen. Not so soon at least. I don't want this at all. Crap why did I have to say yes. Why didn't I just act like a total bitch and tell him, no Rin I defiantly do not want to go to the movies with you. That would have been the smart thing to do but no like a retard I said yes. 

    After school I am grabbing my phone out of my locker and Rin comes running down the hall. He stands next to my locker until I have all my stuff and I lock my locker.

       "So..."I say as we walk down the hall. "Is this like a date?"I just had yo ask it but right after I did I regretted it.

        "Yah I guess."He says looking at me sideways. "Unless you don't want it to be."He looks at me full on and I just shrug. Still too nice to be mean.

        "I guess its a date."I say shyly.

    God I really hope this day gets better or I will find a bridge and jump.

        "So what movie are we going to watch?"He asks as we walk down the road that leads to the movie theater.

        "Can we watch Maleficent?" I ask as we walk up to get get our tickets. He nods and asks for two tickets to Maleficent and I stand over by the entrance watching the sun set in the distance.

        "Two tickets for Maleficent."He says holding one out to me. I smile and take it from him. He hooks his arm and offers it to me and I link my arm in his and we walk into the theater.

    We buy our drinks and get three bags of skittles two regular one sour. I really don't want to be here but its not going beyond friend bow dries so I guess its cool.

    We sit down at the exact top on the left side.

    You know those preview things that they put before the movement e well me and Rin laughed our arses off when one about 100 ways to die in the west came on.

    I almost spit soda on him when a block of ice fell on a guy during the preview. To be honest I wouldn't mind going out with this guy if I new him better and longer.

    Just when the lights dimmed for the movie to start he taped on my shoulder and whispered, "Marrigold."

    I turned toward him and he pressed his lips to mine. I didn't know what to do so I just sat through it.

    When he pulled away he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I really like you. Do you like me too Marrigold?"

    Oh shit. What am I going to say.



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