Hoping For A Happy Ending

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A/N: So after some thought and a few hours on a photo editor I have created the new cover and name to my book. Taken By Surprise I feel suits this book so much better, because Marrigold expects nothing. And yet everything keeps happening to her. And the new cover I feel suits this book better because Marrigold is a down person who is strong yet pushes people away so a line girl seemed to fit well, and with the guy walking away in the back ground, cue crouse applause *bow bow* lol naw I am just kidding. Well I hope you like this chapter. The first chapter as Taken By Surprise, officially that is.

        "Uh..."I say looking at him. Oh God, I literally have no idea what to say to this. "Rin..."
    He cuts me off. "You don't need to tell me now, just text me when you made your mind up. I will be next door, bye!"With that he salutes me just as Kat did the first day I moved here. I sigh as he walks away. I open the front door and throw my stuff on the sofa as I walk past it, running my eyes I walk up to my room. Just as I am about to shut my bedroom door the door bell rings.
        "Ugh!"I say stomping my foot like a two year old as I trot down to the front door and open it up.
    It reveals Trevor, the boy I ran into. You see we ended up doing that a lot, so eventually we just started hanging out. He is a freshman.
        "Hey Trevor. Whatcha doing?"I ask leaning on my door jam looking at him.
    He pulls a card out from inside his shirt and hands it to me. "Open it."
    I do as he says. It's an invitation to this expensive restaurant in town. And in his handwriting it says, "come with me let me treat you for your birthday, and be my Valentine please."
    I look at him. "Will you be my Valentine birthday girl?"
    I laugh. "It's not my birthday yet."
        "But it will be on Valentines day. So what do you say. We can ditch the dance and I can take you out. Celebrate the way you never have before."I look down at the card then at him.
         "I actually have plans for my birthday. And I am sorry Trevor, but I can't be your Valentine."
         "Why not?"He asks as I turn and start to shut the front door.
    Just as I am about to shut it I day, "Because you are worth so much more than me, trust me."The last thing I see before I shut the door completely is the sad look that crossed his face and molds into his eyes. I am a horrible person.


    Now look at this. They called me ugly, said I was just that girl that was using the kidnapping as an excuse to not get involved in anything.
    Yet here I am, at the dance. With Rin. Okay yes I said yes. And I know what this means. And yes he has asked.
    I am his Valentine. But nothing more. Yet. He hasn't asked me that question just yet. And there is always the possibility that he might not even ask me that.
    But I guess a girl can hope and pray for it right? Well today was the best birthday of my life so far. My parents surprised me with a cake this morning.
    They sang happy birthday to me and everything. I got a few presents. Car keys, to my Dads old car. Might not be new but it's still a car. A really cute prom dress from my brother, I love it but honestly I think he just went to Ross with my Step Mom and grabbed the first thing he saw in my size.
    And I got a heart locket from my Step Mother. It has a picture of my real Mom and my Dad on one side and a picture of her and Cordel on the other.
    I love it, I think it was really a sweet gesture. I am wearing it now.
    This dance is so amazing. No matter how many times I try to drag my eyes from all the different size hearts hanging from the ceiling I can't seem to do it.
    There is a flow song on at the moment, Rin and I are standing on the side. Swaying to the music together but not quite dancing. I mean like it would me nice to slow dance with him like a normal girl, but I want him to ask me to dance first.
    I look at him and see that he is starting down at me. "What?"I ask nervously.
    He smiles at me and then says, "You look beautiful. My little birthday girl."He winks at me then faces the group of dancers.
    I feel myself blush and turn away. Hoping that my concealer and foundation doesn't let it show through.
    I him to myself as yet another slow dance comes on again. This is my favorite song ever. Sam Smith Stay With Me. Rin steps infringe if me and holds out his hand.
        "Care to dance?"He smiles at me, he is giving me the same look as he did on our first date. The look of pure love. I place my hand in his and we go out onto the dance floor. He places his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.
    We sway away the whole song. I place my head on his shoulder halfway threw the song and hold him close to me.
     I forgot how good it felt having him close.
     How good we fit together. How my hand fit so neatly and securely against his. How fast my pulse would race in his company.
    I want this back. But getting my hopes up isn't in my best  I think that the smart move on my part would to think that there is a chance but that that chance can't on my side. And then when he doesn't ask my heart won't be crushed.
    See perfect logic.


    It's around one in the morning and Rin and I are now in his car driving home.
    The dance was a lot of fun, we dances like idiots most of the time and talked the rest of the time. Honestly it kinda feels like we are a couple again but the whole no DTR talk happening yet has been bugging me.
    When we get halfway to my house we hit a red light. We stop and Rin turns and faces me.
        "Marrigold I have been thinking and I want us back, will you go back out with me?"
   I blink and then my heart jumps out of my chest. "Yes."I say. He smiles.
    He turns back to the road just as the light turns green.
    But a car in the other lane didn't pay attention to the fact that his light was red. He slams into the side of our car from Rin's side. We spin and then flip twice, landing right side up again.
    I look at Rin and blood is coming from his mouth. He look at me and his eyes widen. Something is wrong with me, I can tell from that look. I reach out and take his hand.
        "I love you."I hear him say as I blink threw the blood dripping into my eyes.
        "I love you more."I say my voice coming out raspy.
    I smile a sad smile and he squeezes my hand. "Don't worry we will be fine."
There back. Your so welcome Marin fans. Sorry again Donagold fans. And no if you are wondering if a Terry ship is going to happen, it never will!!!!!
So how did you like the chapter. I feel kinda like Marrigold never gets a break from the torture I inflict upon her. Mwahahahahaha I don't care.
So my Perfect Little Angles that's all for now, thanks for reading love you all!





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