Who is J

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Okay I am starting to freak out it has been two weeks since I have been home from the hospital and every day since I have been home I am gettingmm creepy letters from some dude named J.

I think it's Rin just trying to creep me out, make me think that I have a stalker and that I need a boyfriend so that I am prptected all the time but he is actually just driving me even further away, I am not going to go running back to him.

I am not going to forgive him. Nope. Not gonna happen, just yet that is. Some day I guess I cou, d forgive him and we can be kinda friends but maybe in like three. . . . four, maybe five years, decades, life spans?

Well however long it takes it sure ashell is not going to be anytime soon. That is for sure. I mean I cant even look at a picture of us from when we were together without getting pissed off at him for cheating on me, or as he said doing what he had to do to make ends mewn.

Get a jobif you need money, don't be a little whore and sleep with every guy and girl in town.

The letters are creepy yeah, they go from I love you kinds of letters to, I am going to kidnap you and take you far away from here. When I get the kidnapping kind of letters I don't like to finsh reading them because they usually end with wome creepy love letter kind of thing, and yeah I ain't into it.

Today I am going back to school for the forst time, seeing as it has been four weeks since my accident I can no longer wait and be scared for what is to come. I know that what I might face is going to be hard to handle but hay, I gotta go back some time right?


Okay so today I just realised I have no friends at school whatsoever. And to ne jomest that is kinda sad. But thata not eventhe worst part, when I opened my locker like fifty notes came pouring out, and guess who they were from? J! Yeah, it's just starting to be too much, it is getting on my last nerve.

Right now I am walking to my locker and then I am going to head home for the day, school just ended and I am exaughtsed. Plus this foot brace thing I have to wear this next month is making my foot sweat and it really isn't comfortable. When I opened my locker two more notes feel out and they are botjnfrom J or as I like to call him Rin. So as I pickmtjem up my last never snaps.

Just as it does I hear Rin and his friends coming down the hall, so turning and walking towards them with audvious bitchy fury plastered on my face I get ready to yell at Rin.

"You need to fucking stop with the stalker letters! They are not sweet or semsitive they are creepy and getting on my nevers. One maybe two letters is fine but freakin eighty two is not. You need to fucling stop just stop. Before I call the cops cause Rin thisis too much."I say then I turn and walk away.

Content I got my point across.

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