The Looking Glass

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OMG chapter fifty hip hip hooray! I am going to make this chapter extra special because it is such a milestone. It took me so long to get here, it's been almost a whole year since I started this book, thank you all for sticking with me thus far. You all are wonderful amazing people. Thank you. Well here it is.
    I try not to look too pissed off when I slam the door in his face. God he is like a stalker or something. I mean that is just too weird to be a coincidence.
    I walk up stairs into my room and I feel bad saying this to her but I ask Kat to leave.
        "Kat, I am sorry, something has come up would you mind going home?"She sits up and looks at me then gets off my bed.
        "Yeah sure no problem."She grabs her keys off my dresser and then grabs her bag off of the chair by my desk and salutes me. "See you later, I will text you."And with that she gets up and leaves.
     I laugh at little but then my phone bings and I am brought back to reality. It is a message from Rin.

    Why did you slam the door in my face? That was so rude!

     Just like you moving next door to me when I was trying to escape that town and all those memories.

    I honestly don't care if I was being 'rude' you had no right moving in next door! Are you stalking me?

    I shoot back with that. And when he texts back I am dumb founded.

    You are so full of yourself Marrigold, really full of yourself. You wish I was staking you so you could have something else to latch onto and spend your time obsessing and loathing over. You need to reality check woman, no I am not stalking you. Your insecurities are though, and they are hella close to just ruining your life so if I were you I would watch my back.

    That ass hole.

    Whatever. Just leave me alone. Stop texting me and never come over here.


    I want to strangle him sometimes.
2:30 in the morning...
    I sit up really fast. Covering my mouth as a silent scream racks my body. Images of Mandy's dead body flashing in my mind. The blood gushing from her throat where I slashed it open.
    I feel the tears slide down as I try to calm myself. I rock back and forth on my bed trying to remember anything but that image.
    I hear footsteps coming from down the hall. I see my brother open my bedroom door and walk over to me. Wrapping me in a hug.
        "Everything will be all right."He coos in my ear as he rubs small circles on my lower back.
    Slowly I am calming down. My heart no longer feels like it is trying to fly out of my chest. And my breaths, even though there shallow, they are coming easier.
    I wrap my arms around my brother and pull him into my bed. "Stay, please."I whisper.
    He runs his hand threw my hair while hugging me. "Of course. Anything you need."
    I sigh into his chest. "You are the best brother in the world. Really I don't know what I would do without you."
        "You would be just fine. You always manage, you souls be able to manage without me."He says just as I slip into a dark dreamless slumber.

Seven Fifteen am...

    I look up at the nicest school in the world. I mean it looks like the walls are made of porcelain and the floors of jewels.
    I accend the stairs. Going slow as to be sure not to attract attention to myself by slipping up and falling. I hear a familiar voice up ahead. Then when I round the corner to keep walking away from the now behind me steps I find the source to the voice.
    Kat is talking to a group of girls. They look like the perfs and she looks like a part of that group. Right as I am about to turn and go in a different direction she calls me.
        "Marrigold!"She yells waving at me. I smile a half ass smile and wave a half wave at her. Hoping she will give up and leave me be.
    But just my luck she doesn't. She comes sauntering over her posse in tow. I inwardly roll my eyes at how stupid she looks.
    When she reaches me I smile. "Hey Kat."
        "Cat? Where I don't see a cat!"One of the blond bimbos that followed her over says looking around.
    I snort and look at Kat. "Is she serious or just stupid?"I ask.
    Kat's mouth drops open then slowly she shuts it. Giving me a weird look. "Yeah she is serious."
        "Cathy let's go before the bell rings!"Another one wines. "Why do we have to entertain the new girl, you just met her the other day. She can find friends with some other group."
    I look at Kat with wide eyes. "Uh not true, I have known Kat since I was three, so you Bitches can Fuck off. And Kat when you stop acting like queen perf call me, but till then stay the hell away from me."And with that I turn and leave.
    I can't believe this, she turned. She said that she would rather die than ever become a popular clone. And yet she has, so Kat must have died.
    Yep that's it, Kat is dead, deceased, no longer with us. Whatever the he'll us playing her roll though, now that thing us an amazing actor. She had me fooled the other day.
    Acting like her old self. Then here she acts like a perf queen. So expected. I should have known.
    Well whatever can't dwell on it, let's make the most out of this new life here in LA.
    First thing I do is go to my first period class just as the bell rings. As I walk in all eyes are glued to me. I sigh inwardly.
        "Oh My God! Gen, that's the girl from Minnesota the one that got kidnapped twice."A girl says to the girl sitting next to her.
    I locked eyes with her and give her the worst look in the world.
    The teacher looks at me and smile. "Go hon are you new?"
    I smile at her. "Yes ma'am."
    She nods and reaches out for my schedule. I hand it to her and I smile.
        "Okay class, this is Marrigold, she is new here so be nice. Any questions for her?"She says looking around, all hands shoot up and I sigh inwardly.
    The first girl the teacher picks on asks an okay question. "Where are you from?"
        "I lived in Orange County when I was little until I was twelve, then I moved around for a but then eventually moved to Minnesota."Everyone starts whispering and the teacher picks on another student.
        "Why is your hair pink?"I laugh at the question, my now shoulder length hair is pink again, and I look down at a lick as I laugh.
        "When I was twelve and I first moved away from California I asked my Dad if I could dye my hair. And like a fool her said yes, and ever since then my hairs been pink."
    The last question the teacher says picking on the girl that I have death glare. "Are you that girl that got kidnapped twice in Minnesota, the Mandy Massacre Girl. The one she was obsessed with, didn't you kill her?"
    I stand there for a moment and state at her while everyone says how that's not true it's not me. Then I speak.
        "Yes, I am that girl. And yes, I slit her throat after she stabbed me in the stomach. Now if we're done with the stupid ass questions,"I look at the teacher and smile. "Where can I sit?"

    The rest of the day is okay. I get a few weird looks and whispers as I walk past them. But I don't care, they can kiss my ass.
    I am not looking where I am going as I walk down the front steps and I slam straight into this boy. He flush backwards. I grab his hand and yank hard. I don't want him to fall down the stairs.
    I fall back and he falls on top of me. I look at him as he props himself up on his knees, making it look like he was straddling me. I narrow my eyes at him and he stand helping me up as well.
    I smile at him. "Thanks, and sorry for bumping you."
        "That was way more than a bump, but it's fine."With that he walks away and I go on my way.
       "Marrigold!"I hear Kat call after me.
        "What queen bee?"I ask snarcaly as she runs up to me.
    She frowns at my insult but ignored it anyway. "I am sorry about this morning, I just didn't want to call her stupid, her dog just died."
        "I honestly don't give a crap if her foot had been amputated the day before, you should have stood up for me. I thought we were best friends."
        "We are."
        "Are you sure about that? Because the Kat I left behind promised never to be queen bee of the bitchtosotie that reigns at any school. Yet here you are, queen bee."
         "I know."She says. Looking down at her feet. I see tears slide down her face. "That's why I don't want to loose the only real friend I have ever had. So please Marrigold please take me back, I am sorry."I wrap my arms around her.


    I am looking down at the nicest dress in the world. The Valentines day dance is in three days, and even though no one has asked me I am going anyway. What better way to spend my birthday. After all no one ever remembers anyway.
    I check the price tag to the dress again. Making sure that it is in my budget for the tenth time. And to my surprise, yet again, another zero has not popped up on the price tag.
    Two hundred dollars even for this dress. Is it worth it. Let's see, the flow of the dress is perfect, it's slightly pleated on the skirt, the top fights tight around me. It shows off all my curves, and it's my favorite color, red.
    I grab it and take it to the cashier with a pair of black pumps, with a smile she rings me up, handing me my change and my bag of clothing and shoes and I am on my way.
    My Dad let me borrow the car even though I kinda really suck at driving. But I make it home in one piece. When I pull up I see Rin knocking in the front door. I pull up along side the door. I stop the car and get out. I walk over to him.
    I push my sunglasses up on my head. I dyed my hair black again, why I don't know, but since it's black I look kinda like a detective doing that.
         "What are you doing here Rin, shouldn't you be at work?"Yeah we're talking again. We made up three days ago, after a lot of him apologizing for being weird.
    He smiles at me. "I came here to ask you to the Valentines day dance. So will you go with me?"
Well that's it. Fifty chapters oh my God. I am so happy. I just feel so much, surprised that I made it this far, pride in my fans for sticking with me, joy that I can actually do this and people will read it, and hope that I can do something with my life.
Again thank you my Perfect Little Angles for reading and being by my side this year. I know that for a while this book was shaky and I was unsure about it, but I think that I am going to stick with it. We can do this. I can do this. Again thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Goodnight my loves, yep it's night right now where I am, I stayed up all night writing this. But it was worth it. So have a fun day night life, love you all.





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