- Our Bond -

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Chongyun's POV:

Today was a pretty nice day i guess....
I woke up in a... warm condition, not as in heat, no no no thats not what i meant, i mean like as in a warm feeling! The feeling like being cared for! The feeling of comfort...
I saw the blanket neatly arranged on top of me, it smells like Xingqiu, the scent of silk flowers mixed with a scent of books... so subtle

It was strange, hah Xingqiu.... you sure are an interesting individual, I'm not even sure what i feel about you anymore, tell me Xingqiu... do you like or like like me ? Its better not to think about it Chongyun, the time will come eventually.

For now let's go meet up with the rest

I went to the direction they told me to go after i asked to stay behind to clean things up and went on my journey, not forgetting to pack my stuff too.

Let's see.....

water... check

food... check

small burlap bags just incase we need to store items in it for example matsutakes, or berries

A/N : for those who are questioning, this is what a burlap bag is

I closed my backpack that i filled up with various items and started walking

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I closed my backpack that i filled up with various items and started walking....
Half of my way there i took a step back to enjoy the view of monstadt, it sure is different from liyue

 Half of my way there i took a step back to enjoy the view of monstadt, it sure is different from liyue

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So very different... a difference isn't so bad, i just feel unsettled, so many different things, different people, different environment, I'm not used to it yet, i wanna know more about this area

I smiled and opened my map

They told me they're gonna go to the beach just under starsnatch cliff, its just a bit further than this, let's go Chongyun it'll be fun

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They told me they're gonna go to the beach just under starsnatch cliff, its just a bit further than this, let's go Chongyun it'll be fun.

I took my time and walked there, enjoying the view on my way there, i feel the wind rushing through my hair when i run, the breeze is nice at this time of day, cold... i like it

At 11:43 AM i finally made it to the beach, i saw Razor, Bennett, and... Xingqiu, ah!

I must've turned bright-red....

My face feels a bit... hot

...this strange feeling again

I shook my head and went to greet my friends

"H-hey Xingqiu" i called out

"CHONGYUN! you're finally here!" Xingqiu greeted me back with a smile across his face

Ugh... a part of me wants to get rid of that happy smile

Why am i like this ? Get over it and move on! You know better right ?

"Hey Chongyun, we found crabs!" Bennett yells

"Razor digs!" Razor looks so proud of himself helping with that crab trap, he's a nice guy, i settled down and put my stuff away to enjoy the view of the beach... calm waters, and a warm air I'm not very fond off.

I took off my clothes leaving my pants on and cooled off in the water

In the corner of my eye i saw... "XINGQIU!" i called out, not knowing what i said that, he was staring at me.

Xingqiu's POV:

I took the crabs and collected them, I'll use them for something i thought

I sat down on a peice of driftwood just staring at Chongyun, it seems like he's enjoying the waters

"XINGQIU!" i jumped, it was Chongyun who called me, stupid Chongyun- i was startled

I walked over to him and replied with "what is it Chongyun?"

I suddenly hear a splash of water before getting drenched

"Hey! What was that for?!" I shouted

Chongyun laughed it off before pulling me in the water with him, its been a while ever since he acted that way, i liked this version of him

We both laughed and enjoyed our time together, a few minutes passed and both Razor and Bennett came to us, we asked them to come play with us, they agreed and time went by fast

"Today is fun" Razor said

Chongyun nodded and said "yes it is"

We cleaned up and walked back to our tents, the time was 4:39

Unrequited Love ♡ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now