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An affirmation is a short sentence or statement, that tells our conscious and subconscious to rewire our mind with our desired realities(s). The whole point is to trick your mind into believing what you want and making it become a reality. Essentially, you are either thinking or saying positive statements to rid yourself of any negativity, or a negative mindset, in order to help you on your shifting journey.

For instance, someone may affirm to themselves that they are beautiful a couple of times every morning. Your conscious and subconscious mind will start to believe this, and it will become a reality.

Affirmations do not have to just be sentences and statements. They can appear in the form of subliminals and self-affirmation quotes as well.


These can be used by repeating them in your head, speaking them out loud, or writing them. You can repeat affirmations throughout the day to rewire your mind for when it comes time to shift.

For example, while doing daily tasks take a second and say, 'I will successfully shift', 'I am a master shifter', and 'I shift with complete and utter ease. Throughout the day you will be affirming that you can shift, your mind will be rewired, and it will make it a reality. You will shift.

It is also common to repeat affirmations while in the process of shifting. The Raven Method has you count to 100 and while you are counting you can repeat affirmations in between each number. Personally, I find it extremely hard to focus while doing this, so I always say my affirmations after counting.


You can use affirmations during the day before shifting, right before shifting, and while you are shifting. There are various types of affirmations, and there are some you may consider better to say throughout the day then when you are looking to shift.

Try saying or writing affirmations in the morning and throughout the day. Then, when you are ready to shift repeat those same affirmations before doing so. A lot of shifters have noticed a difference while repeating affirmations more throughout the day.

Here are some examples of affirmations you can say before shifting:

○ I will shift

○ I will wake up in my DR

○ I can shift whenever I want

○ I shift with complete and utter ease

○ I am capable of shifting

○ I can stay in my DR for as long as I want

○ Shifting is easy

○ Everything will go according to my script

Here are some examples of affirmations you can say while shifting:

○ I am shifting

○ I am shifting right now

○ I will wake up in my desired reality

○ I am in my desired reality

○ I can feel my desired reality

○ I am in my desired reality right now

○ I am thankful to be in my desired reality


Here is a list of affirmations that you can use in your day-to-day routine and while your shifting. There are tons and tons of affirmations, these are just the ones I tend to use.

I can shift / I can shift easily / I can shift realities easily

○  I believe I can shift easily

○  I have successfully shifted

○  I have the ability to shift

○  I am focused on shifting

○  I will shift successfully / I can shift successfully / I am able to shift successfully

○  I am confident in my ability to shift

○  I am in my desired reality / I am already in my desired reality / I know I am in my desired reality / I live in my desired reality

○ I can shift whenever I want / I shift with complete and utter ease / I can shift realities whenever I want

○  I'm shifting / I know I'm shifting / I'm shifting right now / I can feel myself shifting

○  I believe shifting is easier than breathing / I know shifting is easier than breathing

○  I believe shifting is easier than blinking / I know shifting is easier than blinking

○  I believe shifting is easier than moving / I know shifting is easier than moving

○  Shifting Is easier than blinking / Shifting is easier than breathing / Shifting is easier than moving

○  I know I have successfully shifted / I believe I have successfully shifted

○  I believe I am in my desired reality / I know I am in my desired reality

○  Everything will go according to my script

○  It is easy to shift realities / I am capable of shifting realities

○  I am a master shifter

○  I look like my DR self

○  I am in my ideal reality / I live in my ideal reality / I am safe in my ideal reality

○  I know I am prepared to shift

○  My shifting process will go smoothly

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

You will shift very soon. I believe in you!

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