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All methods in this book are written as if you were trying to shift to your DR. Personally, I don't use a waiting room (WR) and I have written these methods for my reference. If you do use a WR, just imagine yourself shifting there instead of your DR when the method mentions it.

As always, complete your meditation, put on subliminals and re-read your script, say your affirmations, and prepare yourself mentally and physically to shift before attempting any method. And if you are going to be using subliminals, frequencies, or ASMR put those on before you get comfy!

Note: I believe that this method was created by Susannah is this a dream on YouTube. Her description details that it is a combination of the Raven method and the Alice in Wonderland method with some lucid dreaming. This method is one of my favourite methods, I highly recommend just using the guided meditation but I have detailed the method below. The YouTube video will be linked at the end.

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Start by getting in a comfortable position on your back and begin relaxing each part of your body (exactly like the Cinn method). Focus on each limb one at a time and take 3 deep breathes. For instance, start with your right foot, then left foot, right forearm, left forearm, etc.

Once you've relaxed your body, you can get into any comfortable position that you would normally sleep in. Visualise a scene from your desired reality, and immerse yourself in this scene.

Look around your DR scene in the first person, notice what you see. Allow your imagination to make this scene real, feel it. Look down at your hands and run your fingertips over the objects that you see, feeling what they feel like.

Take a deep breathe and breathe the air of your DR. What does it smell like? How does it feel in your lungs? Look at the ground beneath your feet. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Feel every sense and sensation in your DR, really try to feel the textures of your reality.

Continue to visualise your DR scene, continue to feel the objects in your DR. As you do so, imagine that you see a shiny silver coin laying on the ground. Pick it up and hold it in the palm of your hand. Trace the shape with your thumb, feel the weight, and feel the warmth of it in your hand.

Visualise the symbol on the face of the coin. Feel the coin as it grows more powerful, feeling the tingles in your palm. Visualise the symbol on the face of the coin lighting up, glowing in your palm. Feeling it growing more powerful and glowing more brightly as you feel your DR calling you. Answer this call by diving deeper into the scene of your DR.

From here, you can repeat the same scene in your head or create new ones. But each time you will find a silver coin, you will pick up and feel it, and then eventually it will glow and you will feel its power.

Continue this until you fall asleep and you should wake up in your DR. You can say affirmations between scenes if you would like.

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You will shift very soon. I believe in you!

Susannah's video on her Silver Coin method:

REALITY SHIFTING: METHODS + TIPSWhere stories live. Discover now