Chapter 2.

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Sirius POV

I was starting to notice more things about Remus, almost to the point of an obsession. It was only the second day of school, and I already knew that he like to use his white quill more than the black one because the black one had a pointier feather, and the white quill wrote darker. I knew that all of his jumpers had holes in them because he was too lazy to fix them, he like syrup with bacon but not with pancakes- he wanted chocolate sauce on those. I knew that chocolate sometimes made him feel sick because of the wolfiness, he didn't like pumpkin juice very much, and he didn't eat anything banana flavored. I knew he walked with a slight limp, he had 3 pairs of jeans, all of which were black, his hair was long enough to tie back in a ponytail during potions, and he needed to shave.

I thought everyone noticed these things until one day when I asked James.


"Hey James?"

"Yeah Pads?"

"Have you noticed that Remus needs a haircut?"

He looked up at me, confused. "What?!"

"His hair. It's long enough to put in a ponytail. He needs a haircut."

"Dude, how did you notice this? I look at Moony all the time, and I have NEVER noticed that."

"Oh. Ok. Well."

He shook his head, went back to his notes and said, "You sound like a girl talking about her crush."

I was about to retort, but I stopped with my mouth open. How would I notice these things about my best friend if I didn't have at least a tiny romantic interest in him? And the more I thought about it, the more I came to terms with my feelings.

I was definitely falling for this brown haired boy with amber and honey colored eyes and sweaters with too many holes, and I was falling way too fast, way too hard.


Remus POV

By the second day of school, I knew that Sirius Black would be the death of me. He was so perfect to me, even with the faults and less perfect traits he had. I was in love with his black hair, the way it fell in his face during potions class, the way his gray eyes turned pale blue in the right light, the way he always had a small smirk on his face, even if he didn't mean to. I loved the way he would tickle his face with the end of his quill when he was bored, the way he talked to Professor McGonagall- as if she was the most important woman in the world, always offering to get her materials and helping pass things out, and the way his hand would shoot up when he knew the answer. I loved his beat up Converse, so worn you could barely see the real color, the way he always had his tie untied and hanging around his neck, and his black skinny jeans. God how I loved those skinny jeans. They accentuated everything. They hugged his ass, his thighs, his calves. Everything about them drew me to him. Everytime he was walking away from me, my eyes were drawn to his ass. Everytime he bent down, it felt like he stuck it out on purpose to taunt me. They brought together his bad boy look (which is utter bull shit, he's the sweetest guy I know) and he knew it. {A/N: I LITERALLY JUST WROTE A PARAGRAPH ABOUT SIRIUS' ASS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????!!!!!!}

I loved him so much it hurt me. I had to tell Lily, or my heart might burst.

"Lily!" I called, seeing her in the common room.

"Hey! What's up?"

"I just need advice on a situation involving a male being."

She clapped her hands, and beckoned for me to sit. "Tell Dr. Lily everything, love!"

"Ok, first, stop. Second, be quiet!"

"Sorry. I love talking about gay people. It makes me all... well... gay. You know, like happy!"

I rolled my eyes. What James saw in this girl, I never could see.

"Ok. So... Sirius Black. My best friend. I have... Well I have the biggest crush on him and it feels like my heart is going to burst every time I look at him and talk to him and just... being around him. And, well, he's straight, and I don't know what to do."

"Oh, sweetie. Ok. Sirius Black. I'm pretty sure he's not straight, but ok. Anyways, I think you should ask him on a date or something. I mean, don't say it's a date. Call it a romantic play date." {IF YOU ASK ME OUT LIKE THIS I WILL NEVER SAY NO.}

I burst out laughing and put my head in my hands. "A romantic play date? Really?"

"I don't know. I made something up. Anyways, speak of the devil. He's right there. Go ask him."


"Wing it!" Then she was bouncing over to Sirius, who was leaning against a wall, watching... me?

I swallowed hard, and got up to go ask my best friend out on a romantic play date, or attempt to.


Sirius POV

I walked downstairs into the common room and saw Lily sitting with Remus, talking about something with him. He looked embarrassed, judging by the blush on his cheeks, and I loved it. I wished he blushed all the time. She said something to him, and he groaned and put his head in his hands as she laughed. He was so adorable, even in the little things he did. As I watched, I noticed that this particular jumper had a massive hole in the elbow. It looked to be at the point where his arm was about to break out of it any day now, and that just wasn't right. He deserves a jumper that was-

"Hey Sirius! What's up?" Lily broke me out of my thoughts with her peppy greeting.

"Oh, nothing, just want to talk to you about something. It's kinda big."

"Ok!" She leaned in close to my ear, and whispered, "I think Remus wants to talk to you," and then bounced back to the chair.

Remus walked over, and I put on a smirk. As our gazes met, he blushed more. Adorable.

"Hey Remmykins, what can Mr. Black do for you today?"

He shook his head at me, rolling his eyes. "One, Remmykins? Two, Mr. Black? And three, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to, I don't know... Nevermind."

I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Oh, Remus. You're cute." Another blush. Score. "Anyways if you think of it again, I'll be talking to Lily."

"Ok, see you at dinner," and then he was walking upstairs.

"Hey Lily Bo Bily, Fee Fye Foe Fily, Liiiiiiiiiily, what's shakin' bacon?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"You, Sirius Black, are an idiot."

I put a hand to my chest in faux offense. "I am offended! I guess you'll never know what I was going to tell you then."

"Oh, no, I'm sorry Sirius. Please. Pray tell."

"Ok. I'm- I'm gay. Like. Hella."

She burst out laughing at me. "Oh, Sirius, you think I didn't know this? What straight man wears skinny jeans that are tighter than mine?"

I sat there, mouth open. "Huh." She had a point about my jeans. I could probably fit into hers and actually be able to breathe, unlike mine.

"Is that all? I have a potions essay to write for Sluggy."

"Yeah. Bai guurl!" I waved at her.

"Oh my god, stop," and she also walked up to her room.

Well, that's one less person to tell about being hella gay, I suppose.

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