Chapter 10.

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Remus Pov

I woke up to pain in every inch of my body, from a raging headache to a dull ache in my heels. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and my knees almost buckled under me. My neck ached as I turned my head to look out the window, finding the sun already high in the sky. My arms burned as I lifted the covers to make my bed. My eyes burned as I looked around the room to find that I was the only one left in the room. My heart fell as I remembered that the full moon was coming up soon, and stopped as I thought of the possibility of hurting Sirius. I thought all through out eating quickly in the kitchen since I missed breakfast and as I walked around to find my friends. I thought and thought, giving myself more of a headache as I imagined hurting him, as I imagined him going through everything that I had to.

I found them under our tree, laying down in the cool grass. They were in the middle of some random conversation, James gesturing wildly with his hands as he started talking.

"Hey guys," I interrupted, walking closer to them. I wandered over to Sirius, and he smiled at me. His tattoo shown in the dappled light, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter as I thought about their reactions to me saying what I was about to.

"Hey, gorgeous," Sirius greeted, scooting over so that I had shade too. I sat down against the tree and absentmindedly pulled his head into my lap and started running my fingers through his long hair. The three resumed their conversation, which I still didn't understand, and I just stared at my fingers as they tangled in his hair. Sirius' gaze switched to me, and his brow furrowed. "Hey, what's wrong? Something's troubling you?"

They stopped their conversation and turned their gaze to me, heads rolling in the grazz to meet my eyes. I swallowed, my tongue feeling heavy in my mouth. I took a deep breath and looked back to Sirius, his worried eyes burning a hole into my soul. "I don't think that you guys should come with me anymore on full moons." The three of them sat up, and looked at me, shocked. Sirius glared at me and opened his mouth to protest, so I continued hurriedly. "Just hear me out, ok! I have nightmares about hurting you guys. And especially now that Sirius and I are dating I worry even more, and it's getting harder to control myself when I turn. If I lost control and you couldn't reign me in... I just... I keep imagining if I bite one of you..."

"Hey! If I get bitten, I would be glad because then you wouldn't have to face this alone!" Sirius interrupted.

I groaned. "But Sirius, you can't risk-"

"No, Moons. Sirius is right. Out of all of us, he's the one who really should be there, anyways. And that's final!" James said.

I sighed and said, "Why do you guys have to be so damn stubborn?"

They laughed, and spent the rest of the day lounging in the sun. I was lucky to have friends like them, I knew that, but I was still worried. If I hurt one of them... I'd never forgive myself.


The full moon finally arrived, my aches and pains even worse. In every class, my teachers looked at me with pity clear on their face. It was slightly maddening, though not any more than dealing with the Marauders as we sneaked out under James's' invisibility cloak.

"We're getting too damn tall for this cloak, Prongs!" Sirius whispered as we crouched down to keep our ankles hidden by the cloak, with the exception of Peter.

"Oh fine!" he huffed after hearing it for the thousandth time. "Why doesn't Peter turn into Wormtail, and you can turn into Padfoot! Then the two taller people will have more cloak to hide under, and you guys can just keep to the shadows. We're almost out of the castle anyways!"


"Oh for the love of god! Shut up, both of you!" I snapped, my frustration rising as they continued to bicker. Sirius blushed and smirked, and moved so that he was right behind me and could whisper in my ear.

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