Chapter 19.

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Sirius Pov

She screamed, and a green jet of light came speeding towards me. I realized too late that it was the Killing Curse as Remus cried out. It hit me in the shoulder, and sent me flying back towards the arch. Everything was distant and fuzzy sounding as I passed through the silkiness that was the veil, but I could hear Remus and Harry screaming. The last thing I saw before I went through the veil completely was Remus's eyes, pupils blown and tears already streaming down his face.

As I went through the veil, I passed out. When I woke up, I blinked as the room came into focus and my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I was on a bench in what looked like Kings Cross Station. I stood up, and noticed that I was wearing a white shirt, blue pants, and no shoes. I took in the sheer size of the room, which was entirely white, filled with benches and people I didn't know. I started walking a bit, but all of the sudden, James and Lily were in front of me. I was shocked, but I was crying and laughing all at once. They surrounded me in a hug.

"What happened? How are you-" I asked.

"It's not what happened, but what's going to happen. You can choose Sirius," Lily said. She sounded the same as the night before she died.


"Whether you die or go on," James said.

"Die? Go on? I thought it didn't matter. The Killing Curse..."

"I know. It's confusing. You were barely hit in the shoulder- really, it grazed you, it wasn't a direct hit- so you can choose. We were hit full force in the chest, so we couldn't," James explained.

"Oh, guys... I'm so sorry!"

Lily smiled sadly. "It's ok... Thank you, Sirius, for taking care of Harry. You've taken excellent care of him. He's a fine young man. And his boyfriend isn't half bad either. It wouldn't seem that way, but it's the truth."


"Oh yeah. A ferret of a man," James snickered.

"James! Shut up! You're giving him a bad impression already!"

"What?" I was incredibly confused.

"No matter. The point is, you can stay with us, in the land of the dead and boring, or go to your husband, Harry, and a life."


"Calm down, Padfoot. You can take as long as you need to take."

"We love you, Sirius. Remember that." And then they were gone in a flash of white.

I paced for a while, then sat, then laid down, just thinking, remembering, and wondering. As soon as I made my decision, a train came, and I hopped on.


Remus Pov

6 months. That's how long it's been since Sirius fell through the Veil and showed up a week later in the Hall of Mysteries. Harry visited everyday with his boyfriend, Draco. It took me finding them crying in each others arms, for them to come out to me. I don't know why Harry would think that we would care, seeing as we're straight as circles ourselves, but he did. Either way Sirius was in a coma, and he didn't seem to be coming out of it. The healers were astounded, and argued that it shouldn't even be possible for him to be alive, so they had no way to predict if he would ever wake up.

I was sitting in the room that he was in one day before Hogwarts' term started when his heart rate started picking up and his fingers twitched. I bolted up in my seat, grabbing his hand and holding my breath.

"Sirius?" I whispered. He groaned and his eyes fluttered open. I flung myself forward. "Sirius!"

"Remus!" He had tears in his eyes as we grabbed each other, sobbing and laughing. I pressed a kiss to his lips. "Oh Remus..."

After I called a healer and they said he was okay, we curled up on the couch and told each other what had happened to the two of us. I told him how the Ministry now believed Harry that Voldemort was back and how much we had missed him, and he told me about seeing James and Lily. We had just finished our stories when the front door unlocked and I grinned. I had left out who Harry was dating, knowing it would fuck with Sirius' mind. 

"Who is it?" he asked, seeing my smile.

"Harry and his...friend."

He jumped up and ran to the kitchen. "Harry!" he shouted.

Harry looked up from his hug with Draco, and his jaw dropped. "Sirius?"

"No, it's Dumbledore. Of course it's me! C'mere, son!" 

Harry laughed as he rushed forward and embraced him. "I missed you so much, I can't believe..."

"Yeah... me either." 

When they broke apart, Harry went to Draco and took his hand, leading him forward a bit. "Sirius, this is Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend."

Sirius frowned. "A Malfoy?"

" Just Draco, sir. I don't wish to be associated with my father," Draco said. He took a step forward, holding out the hand that wasn't attached to Harry's. Sirius shook it with a smile.

"Hello Just Draco, I'm Sirius Black. Nice to meet the person I assume caused Harry so much confusion last year."

Draco blushed, and smiled. "Yeah, that was me."

I moved to follow Harry and Draco into the living room, but Sirius grabbed me. "What?"

He smirked. "Did you notice that Harry kept his eyes locked on Draco's ass?"

I laughed. "Yeah. Reminds me of someone I know."

"Who?" He then made a point to wait for me to turn around a whistle as I walked away, and I turned back and punched his arm.

"Shut it, you, we're not teenagers."

"You're only as old as you think you are, Moony..." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the living room to join Harry and Draco.

That night, we all sat down for dinner and laughed, joked, caught Sirius up, and were a family again. All was well... for now.

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