Chapter 11.

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Sirius Pov

Remus and I had been dating for almost a month now. It was almost October 4, our one month anniversary, and I wanted to do something for him, but I couldn't think of anything. Each idea I came up with sucked even more than the one before- nothing was good enough for him. He deserved the world and so much more. It was wearing me down, trying to come up with something. 

One day at breakfast, I was particularly frustrated. I just stared at the plate in front of me, not taking any food and zoning out, until Marlene sat down next to me. 

"You going to eat anything?" I shook my head, and she started piling food on my plate, sending me concerned glances. "You alright?" she asked, shoving the food toward me. I took the food without complaining, and started eating glumly. 

"I'm having trouble coming up with anything to give Remus for our anniversary on the 4," I muttered between bites. I missed the glare that set on her face, but I took a big swig of the pumpkin juice she had given me. I started feeling better right away. I looked at Marlene, about to thank her for making me eat, but stopped short when I saw her, a fluttering in my heart.

She's beautiful, I thought. A part of me pushed against my thoughts, but the other voice ignored my attempts. Forget Remus, she's... hot. Her eyes are perfect- the way they shine and twinkle. And her smile is gorgeous, and so are her lips... They look so soft and kissable... I found myself inexplainably drawn to her, and Remus didn't even cross my mind. His name didn't echo around my head like it usually did and his touch didn't linger on my skin. Everything was replaced with an ache for Marlene.

"Hey Marlene? Want to go somewhere... private?" I asked, smirking.

"Sure," she said smirking back, that usual shine in her eye getting two times brighter.

I grabbed her hand, and pulled her along the halls, on the way up to the Gryffindor common room. My mind was racing, imagining what might happen and ignoring the nagging feeling that something about this was very wrong. We were almost to the common room, only one more turn, when I couldn't stand it anymore. I slammed her against a wall and put my hands on the wall behind her, caging her in. I look down over her and smirked devilishly as she looked up, lips parted and eyes practically begging for me to kiss her. I finally smashed my lips onto hers, grunting at the force behind my movements. She bit down on my lip, making me gasp and she slid her tongue into my mouth, and I battled against the intrusion and she relented, letting my tongue into her mouth. I lost myself in the kiss until I heard a gasp, a half scream, and a bang. I pulled away and looked up, confused. 

There stood Remus, staring at me, with tears in his amber and honey colored eyes and shock on his face. All of the sudden, it was like a curtain had been pulled back, a lightbulb had been turned on, a candle had been lit. I looked at how I was positioned against Marlene, and jumped away. I looked at Remus, then her, then Remus again. Tears were starting to pour down his face, and I rushed forwards, but he jumped back.

"Remus, I did-" I tried to apologize, but he shook his head.

"How could you, Sirius!" He choked out through his tears. "I love you! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

He ran off, leaving me with Marlene, who was still against the wall. My heart jumped to my throat as I felt a burning in my stomach, as if I might vomit. I took a deep breath and I whirled around, glaring at her.

"What the bloody hell was that about?!"

She suddenly looked ashamed. She mumbled something, but I couldn't hear her.

"What? Speak up. You just possibly ruined my relationship with my boyfriend, the least you could do is speak loud enough for me to hear why."

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