Chapter 13.

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Sirius Pov

Seventh year was almost over, and the year was really slowing down. We didn't do much, just went down to Hogwarts with Lily, James, and Peter since the lower years were taking their exams and ours were practically done. As graduation day approached, I got more excited, but the weight of what might be coming was hitting me particularly hard. Our lives were supposed to be beginning- we were supposed to be moving on to start training for jobs and figuring out what to do, but I was going to go fight in a war. I kept this inside for a while, waiting until the end of the year to talk to someone about it.

We were all sitting in the common room a few nights before the graduation ceremony would occur, we being James, Lily, Remus, Peter, and me. Remus and I were sitting in the armchair we had since claimed as our own. It was way too small, so Remus was sitting on my lap, his legs over the arm, his back against the other, reading a book. I was playing with his hair in my left hand, talking to James, Peter, and Lily.

"So, Sirius," Lily asked. "What are you planning to do once out of school?"

"Oh, ummm... I'm not sure. I might be an auror or a teacher at Hogwarts," I said.

But instead I'm going to go fight in a war, I thought.

Lily and James looked surprised, since they had never known I was interested. I had only told Remus during one of our late night chats outside on the windowsill. "Really?" James smiled. "That would be great! What class would you teach?"

"Uh, transfiguration... It's my best class... And McGonagall recommended it," I said. Remus leaned further into me, snuggling down a little bit and humming.

"I think it's a great idea, Pads," James replied. "I myself want to be an auror."

"No surprise there," Remus mumbled. I looked down at him, unaware that he had been listening.

"I want to write for the prophet," Lily said. Seeing our faces, she laughed. "I won't be like Skeeter and get in everybody's business. I'll write pure fact, not fiction."

"What about you, Peter?" I asked, noticing his slightly dejected face.

"I don't have any ideas," Peter muttered, looking down. I wondered what that was about.

"That's ok, mate. We're only 18. Haven't even had our graduation yet!"

"Yeah, I guess..."

I smiled at him. "Well, I think you'd be excellent at any job, Peter. I'm sure you'll figure it out. And if you need help, I'm here." He looked up at me and smiled gratefully.

We were silent for a moment until Lily spoke up. "What does Remus want to do?" She directed at the question at me, unaware that he had really been listening the whole time.

"I want to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher here," he replied.

I twisted his hair and smiled as I imagined us as an old married couple teaching at Hogwarts together. Allowing, of course, that we lived through the war.


I spun through the courtyard, sending spells towards the Death Eaters we were fighting against. James, Lily, Peter, Alice, Frank, and Remus were around me, all of us fighting one or two of the masked men and women. I knocked out the person I was fighting, turning to see Remus dueling against someone with all he had. As a jet of green barely missed his head, I ran over to him, joining him in his fight. We sent spell after spell, trying to hit them with no success. We were moving backwards as the Death Eaters cornered all of us against a wall, and Remus took my hand.

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