Chapter 6

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Sirius Pov

As I walked out of the RoR with my arm reaching up to go around Remus' shoulders, I groaned in my head. That wasn't how I had planned to come out to him, but when I saw him there, I had panicked, and just blurted it out. When I came out of my thought-induced trance, he was lost in thought too, and he had the cutest little frown on his face that created little creases in his forehead, right above his nose. 

"Whatcha thinking about, Remus?" I asked him. He jolted a bit, and I laughed. "Sorry, I should've snapped my fingers in front of your face or something."

"No, it's fine," he said, looking down at me. It slightly bothered me that I was shorter than him all of the sudden, but at the same time, I liked his height."I was thinking about, um... When you'd come out, or if you were going to, or what. I don't know. You don't have to, it's just... easier if you come out sooner."

I stared at him, before stammering, "Oh, yeah, uh, I was going to, I don't know, I should talk to Peter first so that he's not surprised, but... I will. I mean, totally. I will. Eventually."

He made a little coughing noise, and smirked. "Well. That was convincing. But, you know, it's you. Don't let me have any say in your life. Everyone is different. Plus... Your... Well, your family..."

I made a face. "I already hate them and them me, and they control enough of my life, I don't see why they should control anymore," I paused. "I'll come out soon, I promise. It took me long enough to come to terms with my feelings, I figure I should let the secret out so that I can escape all the girls vying for my attention."

He laughed, and we continued walking, my arm still around his shoulders, and I felt myself falling a little deeper in love with him.


"Peter!" I called, running up to him in the hallway. He wheeled around, panic on his face, but relaxed when he saw me. I wondered what was up with him, and almost asked him, but before I could, he responded to me.

"Hey, Sirius, what's up?" 

"Man, I just realized how long it's been since I talked to you. I'm sorry, it's just been hard with James, you know..." he nodded, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry about him, by the way. I don't know why he's being so awful to you guys, he pushes me away everytime I talk to him about it. Hopefully we figure it out soon. I miss playing pranks with you guys."

I nodded. "Yeah. But, Peter, really quick, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Right, serious time. What's up?"

I looked around, checking that we were relatively alone, then started talking to him. "Ok, well I mean, it's nothing super extreme, I just wanted to let you know before everyone else so that you weren't surprised. But anyways, um, I'm gay, and, uh, yeah. That's pretty much it. I'm gay. Wow, that's nice to say. I'm gay."

He looked at me, and started laughing. "Wow, you really need to tell more people," he than stopped laughing, and pulled a serious expression. "Anyways, that's cool, now I have two gay be-" he paused. "Wait, I have two best friends who are gay... You guys spend a lot of time together, are you... Are you two together?!" he whisper-screamed. 

I winced a bit. "No, no we're not Pet-"

"You like him though, don't you... And don't lie to me..."

I sighed. "Yes, ok, I like Moony. It's not that big a deal..."

"Yes it is! This is huge! Oh my goodness, do you need a wingman? I'll totally help you if you do, I prom-"

I clapped a hand over his mouth. "Peter! It's fine! I already have a plan, but if you do want to help, you can help me by listening to the plan, and let me know what you think." He nodded earnestly, and I quickly told him. When I finished, he clapped his hands and squealed a bit. 

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