The Red House

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After dark, the brothers Bryan galloped up to the door of the Red House, approaching from the Northern Woods, thus dodging any royal guards.  Philip granted the honor of knocking lightly on the heavy oak doors to his older brother, Walter. A maid, a reliable one courtesy of Margaret Howard, opened the door and let the two men inside.

"I-- I don't know." said Walter.

"Don't know what? Are you scared after all these years?" Philip teased.

"No... It's just that... Catherine doesn't need a lover. So far as I can tell, she loves Richard and Richard loves her. And he's far more handsome than me. Margaret, I can understand. The Hutin is not only an idiot, but he's also far from your looks." Walter replied.

"So what? Are you going to turn tonight down?"

Walter shook his head and the two men walked up the stone stairwell. It merged into a turret's staircase, and the brothers had to be careful not to slip on the wet marble. They finally reached the top of the Red House, a hunting lodge for Edward of Luxembourg

It was here that they held their liaisons with the the Princesses, one of whom was the future Queen of England.

Philip knocked upon the door. It opened, revealing a scantily clad Margaret Howard. She wore on her belt the purse from earlier. Walter entered the room readily, leaving Philip and Margaret staring at each other. She was the first to speak

"What is it, Philip? Are you feeling well this evening."

"Perfectly well." he replied, coldly. "Have you worn that this evening merely to annoy me? If so I can return to my quarters."

"Don't be silly." replied the Princess of Wales. "Here, take it."

Philip looked at her, astonished. He tried to protest, but she would have none of it.

"Take it. I want you to keep it."

She then took him by the hand and walked him into the room. Catherine was already naked and in the darkest corner of the room upon a bed. Walter peppered her neck with kisses.

"I don't know, but I have the strong feeling my brother will get a similar gift. And soon." Philip said.

"Do we have the right to give them away, Margaret? I don't think its wise." asked the younger princess.

"Don't be so afraid. Only your sister knows of them," Margaret said, soothingly.

Margaret suddenly turned towards the window. The sound of many thousands of people speaking filtered into the top floor of the Red House.

"Its the Carthusians. They're being taken out out to the pyres of Smithfield..." she murmured. "Catherine, Walter, come and look."

"It's too nice over here." replied Catherine.

Margaret ignored the denial and walked to the window, spellbound by what was happening. Two men were being chained to wooden piles; no doubt these were Kingsbridge and Green.

The Princess of Wales chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Philip demanded.

"Because we're here. Edward's over there. And if it was daylight he could see me!"

The sound the people subsided.

"The Carthusians... They're going to be grilled. While we--"

"While we make love" Philip completed the sentence for her.

And thus the Princess of Wales gave herself to a lowly knight, as nymphs gave themselves to fauns in tales of ages past. The fire in the room cast a light which reached the window. 

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