The Bankers

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"Will that be all?" asked the Lombard.

"No," replied the cleric. " Is advance payment alright?"

"That can be arranged, Messire." said Spinello Tolomei. "Is 2,000 crowns in gold adequate?"

"I.... that's more than adequate."

Although the Siennese banker had lived in London for over three decades, he could never quite rid himself of that heavy Italian accent. As one of the most powerful and famous bankers in England , Tolomei spoke with all manner of knights, businessmen, lawyers, nobles and clergymen. Today it just happened to be a Bishop who he was speaking to. By coincidence, this was same Bishop who'd handed James Green and John of Kingsbridge over to the King of England the previous day. A decision which had resulted in a curse. William Pole seemed a little on edge this morning. After all, he was about to make another decision that could either make or break his life. Tolomei produced a piece of paper from his pocket. The Lombard gestured to the quill and ink. The Bishop hesitated.

The items he was about to sell to Spinello Tolomei included many hundreds of items that by law and decree belonged to the King. Crosses, plates, silver and gold coins, jewels, ceremonial swords, and ruby encrusted confessionals that had been seized from the Carthusians. William Pole was about to embezzle from the King. This was an act of treason.

"Will this receipt be seen by anyone?" asked the Bishop of London.


"And the treasures?"

"We shall sell them in Italy. We are not mad, my lord Bishop." replied Tolomei.

The Bishop got up from his chair. He was about to turn and leave when Tolomei spoke again.

"The King's new pets. The hounds. How does the he like them?"

"He.." The Bishop was taken completely off guard. "He seems to like them. The largest one is named after your people."

"Hah! An English dog named Lombard!"

The door opened, revealing one of Tolomei's clerks.

"My lord." He bowed out of courtesy to the Bishop before turning to his employer. "The Earl of Northampton is here to see you."

"Ah. Damnit. My Lord Bishop, we shall have to conclude our business at some other time."

"Banker"said the Bishop. "You must tell no-one."

"No, of course." replied Tolomei.

The Bishop shot him a suspicious look before exiting the room. And in strode Sir Robert Stafford, 1st Earl of Northamton, in his scarlet coat.

"Guccio." said Tolomei, "Please leave us."

"Of course uncle."

With that Guccio Baglioni left the room and shut the door behind him.

"So, Robert. What is it that you want from me today?"

"Two things--"

The Scarlet Baron failed to complete his sentence before Tolomei cut him off.

"Money is one of them, I assume."

"Quiet, banker!" snarled Robert "Must all of London know that I owe you a fortune?!"

"With good reason. When you filed a lawsuit against your aunt , I paid your legal fees. And you lost that case." replied Tolomei, calmly.

"You know full well why I lost. That bitch Matilda conspired to steal my earldoms by selling her daughters to the crown! But if there were any justice in the world, I should be a peer of the realm and the richest baron in England! And I shall be, do you hear me Tolomei! I shall be!"

"I do hope so. Because when you do, I can expect to be reimbursed. But in the meantime, you've lost that case."

"You still owe me for several things." Robert reminded him. "Not the least of which was your drawing money from the Brothers of the Sword six weeks before the purge. That information came from me. You didn't have to pay them back."

"The money drawn from their account was far from the 30,000 crowns that you owe me. Your knighthood and barony provide you with 3,000 crowns a year." Tolomei said, curtly. "By my calculations--"

"Damn your calculations man!" replied Robert "The finances are not your concern. I've come for aid against that bastard Pole! I have Matilda in my grip now. Her little sluts have lovers!"

"And what good would that do you?" Tolomei said, a knack of sarcasm in his voice. "More importantly, what good would that do me?"

"Can you imagine the scandal?! The future Queen of England and her sisters in law caught with their lovers in bed! With the Howards and Matilda out of way I'll reopen the case. I swear to you, when I win it, you'll be paid back completely" responded Robert Stafford.

"Are you going to tell the High and Illustrious Prince?" asked Tolomei, suddenly intrigued.

"No. There is another who hates them as much as I do. Elizabeth of York."

"The Holy Roman Empress, eh? Why come to me with this information?" asked the Lombard.

"I need a man I can I trust to convey this letter. None of my men are unknown at Court, nor those of my patron, the Duke of Clarence."

"Ah, I understand now." replied Tolomei.

"Send this to Vienna." said Robert Stafford, arm outstretched with a roll of paper in his hand.

"GUCCIO!" Tolomei cried "Come in here!"

Guccio Baglioni came in quickly. The black haired Sienese youth was very fair in the face. 

"I have another task for you." said the Banker. "Sir Robert hear needs some assistance. He wants you to go to Vienna and carry this message with you. See that the Empress takes that message from your hands, and your hands alone."

Robert Stafford of Northampton had been eyeing the boy. He chuckled.

"Better keep him out of view of Emperor Maximillian! He might want a bit of your nephew."

Guccio blushed.

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