Chapter 28

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Hey guys!

I'm really glad yesterday's chapter touched you, I thought it was time for Small One to be given some closure.

As always, thank you for your reviews! And criticism! Please enjoy because the action picks up!


"The Shot Heard Around the Park."

"Elise! I give you a kissie to make you feel better!"

Owen chuckled, and leaned against the wall as the millionth child decided to kiss Elise better. The stitches did look like they hurt, but Elise seemed perfectly happy. There was a sparkle in those clear eyes Owen had never seen before. She seemed much happier, and lighter after she had let Lowery go. The tech-geek had scrambled back to the safety of his Control room at the first chance he got, but Elise didn't seem put off by it.

Owen still wasn't sure why the jar of dirt was so important to her, but he would ask her later. The only thing that mattered was how happy she was.

And she gave him the cheeseburger; she didn't care for the sharp smell of ketchup.

It was endearing to see the large dinosaur being loved on by so many, little children, and Judge Knight seemed to be warmed by the sight. He didn't see Mr. Hart, but Mr. Graves had briefly stopped by. Owen didn't think he was a bad guy, he was a lawyer, but he wasn't bad.

This show had gone very smooth, the raptors were content to sleep the day away, and children were eager to kiss Elise better. The wall was filling up with vast amounts of different artwork, and people enjoyed sharing colorful tattoos for Elise to mimic.

Debra was still stuck in the bathroom as far as Owen knew, and he felt great.

Barry had dropped by, looking ashamed of himself, but Owen didn't give him too much grief over it. He knew there was probably nothing Barry could have done to stop the raptors from panicking after Rexy let out a loud roar. Tim had said it was getting close to her next dental appointment, so her teeth were starting to hurt her.

After the last child had given his kiss on Elise's nose, Owen glanced at the clock on the wall before saying, "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time. It's been a pleasure, and I hoped you all enjoyed yourselves."

Elise gave a soft croon as the children waved goodbye, and Owen smiled warmly. He watched the last of the group leave before Marie walked over, and she said, "Mr. Grady, I am very pleased with how you and Elise work with one another. It is good to know you have a hold on your raptors."

Owen wasn't going to tell the judge that his raptors were just too tired to cause more trouble at the moment. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, and he nodded. Marie smiled as she turned to the white dinosaur, and added, "I am happy you have adjusted to this life, Elise. You truly are a one of a kind in personality."

Elise made a soft sound to her, and the judge said to Owen, "I'm sure Miss Dearing will tell you, but the case has been momentarily put on hold for a few days."

Owen blinked before raising an eyebrow as he asked, "Why?"

Marie shrugged as she gave a gentle pat on Elise's snowy cheek, and answered, "Miss Dearing wants a DNA test performed on Elise. InGen actually has no concrete proof that the Indominus they own is actually Elise. They only have a DNA signature; it'll take a few days before we see if it's a match."

Owen glanced at Elise, and she didn't seem to really care. He let out a quiet sigh before asking, "Can InGen really take Elise off this island?"

"Not without her consent. I'm not sure if she's human enough to make it wrong to own her, but she is human enough to say where she wishes to live, if that makes sense."

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