Chapter 32

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Hey guys! I'm glad you all enjoyed our little old lady getting a visit from Dr. Grant! It would have been wrong to not give them some spotlight!

Anyways, announcement time!

I shall be going on vacation for the next four days. I will sincerely try my hardest to post chapters, but I have no idea what will happen with taking the wifi from hotels! So, please be patient!

I feel like I'm forgetting to say something else, but I'll figure it out later.

My sincerest thank yous to all your reviews and criticism! Seriously, I do read all of them, and I do go back to correct mistakes if you point them out!

Anyways, please enjoy!


"Angel's Trumpet, Dumbass."

"You were really something today, Baby Girl."

Elise gave a proud croon as she relished the compliment. Owen only grinned at her before adding, "Brilliant idea having the girls do a run past here. How'd you catch that rabbit anyways?"

The Indominus only waggled her fingers as an answer. It had actually been incredibly difficult catching the elusive, quick creatures. She had accidently squished one before catching the other. It had been almost time for their last show, and Elise wanted the raptors to get some attention as well.

She told the girls to catch the rabbit; winner got the Oreo.

Elise had actually thought the rabbit would escape, but an opportunity to get Oreos was never passed up by Blue. It was only because the rabbit had briefly stumbled that Blue was able to tackle the squealing creature.

It was a little gruesome for some of the younger kids, but there weren't very many at the late show; most had gone back to bed. It was the older children who enjoyed the show; Zach especially. The two brothers were without their parents, but Elise didn't smell anything off with them. They were in a good mood, and Zach was carrying a large, silver square.

Owen glanced at his watch before giving a slight smile; it was six, he had enough time to go home and shower before the second date. He looked up when Elise gave a curious croon, and Owen sheepishly said, "I'll explain later, Baby. I might come back a little later to check up on you. You got the girls tonight?"

Elise glanced down at the sleepy Delta leaning against her large leg while Echo and Blue were one more dirty look away from brawling. She glanced back at Owen before giving a single nod; she would wear Blue out at the rabbit holes again. She could always go get Rexy if they didn't want to behave.

Rexy had one more show, but Elise didn't have as many; Claire had given her less shows for the first week so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

Claire was a very good Alpha.

Owen smiled at her before giving her nose a soft pat before she gently puffed air onto him. He chuckled as he returned the affection then leaned over the ledge as he sternly said, "Blue, Echo, Delta...behave."

Echo and Delta gave a small chirp; they knew who the growl was really directed towards; Blue almost looked indignant for being singled out, and she snapped her jaws at Owen. He gave her a stern look, and Blue huffed as she turned her back to him so she could chew her silver ball in peace.

Elise had finally showed her the magic to opening the ball, but Blue wasn't about to let Alpha know that. She needed to be a smart, capable Beta who could figure things out for herself.

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