Chapter 58

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Hey guys!

OREO, please do; you won't be the first, and I go back and correct them.

Guest, thank you for your suggestions, but I am happy with what my story is doing. It is a long story, but I have an ending in mind. Also, don't start discussions here. That question was for me, and it was in regards to my previous author note about my change in update schedule.

Nightmare Moon, I really do appreciate you sticking up for me, thank you for that, and I was torn between that most recent comment being a review or not. It was half a review, half a discussion towards Guest, which was why I had removed it. I had seen your first review for the previous chapter. I just really do not want discussions here, and I felt like that one would have been left open for others to start more discussions.

Guest, I don't know if I'll include the Carcharodontosaurus. It is underrated, and that is unfortunate.

Kim K's butt, thanks for the Oreos.

Imtomzizle, it's good to see you catching up.

Lyrics belong to the song 'Drunken Whaler' from Dishonored.

Thank you guys for reading this story and leaving your reviews. Even if you don't review, I thank you for taking the time to read this.

*Warning for suicidal thoughts*


"Queen Anne's Revenge."

Henry Wu gave a shaky sigh as he pressed his forehead into the comforting warmth of his laptop. His hand hurt beyond imaginable, and he couldn't stand to look at it for very long. It had been stitched back on; Bridges was an intelligent bastard. Wu would give him that much.

A lab accident indeed.

"Arrogant, idiotic, buffoon."

And the doctor had the audacity to be out of pain killers. Wu had half a mind to drink himself into a stupor just for a few minutes of sleep. He wondered if Romano had some kind of morphine; at this point Wu didn't care if it was meant for animals.

He was in a lot of pain.

But Wu had absolutely no intent of doing that; he had no friends here. He now fully comprehended where he stood on this island. He was a prisoner; he was below a dying, old animal. Wu knew Bridges had been crazy, but he never thought he would be on the receiving end of Bridges' temper.

But Wu intended to have the last laugh; he already had the last laugh. It was just a matter of time. He had sent the records, but nothing would happen until Sobek was on Isla Nublar.

He just prayed someone on Jurassic World was attentive to details; they would find his cry for help encoded in the records.

Wu sighed again as he glanced at his cold tea; it hurt too much to move, and it didn't taste good anymore.

Nothing was good anymore.

He didn't want his tea, he didn't want to live here, and he was tired of meeting these demands. He wanted to go back to the old park; he missed bringing back the good old classics. Tyrannosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, Velociraptor, and even Dilophosaurus. Rexy had been his first, successful creation, and Wu missed sharing an island with her. The Dilophosaurus wasn't supposed to be venomous, but Wu had wanted to give a wow factor to it; when he still cared about what he created. But now it was just easier to not be connected to these animals.

Henry missed working for John Hammond. The man who never forgot to visit, to show up for every single egg's hatching till the day he died. The kind smile who had irritated Wu with his childishness, but was always won over by the recognition.

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