Chapter 59

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Hey guys! Did you know that five minutes in a dust storm at my place turns all my animals the same shade of dusty, dirt brown? *The more you know*

Anyway, busy chapter here.

Guest, you did not misread that, that was my mistake, and I went back to correct it; thank you for saying something.

Guest, you are right, Queen Anne the Baryonyx is named after Blackbeard's ship.

Guest, I'm starting a diet; I have no more sugar at my disposal, but I'm glad you're all for the less sweet.

Guest, I have no promises on adding those dinosaurs; I probably won't add them; sorry.

ReginaDC21, I hope you get some AC at your place; thanks for leaving a review.

Shadowfire, I'm pretty sure that link has been on my profile for awhile.

OREO, they have Megastuffed Oreos in existence!

Most importantly, I sincerely thank you guys much and mighty for taking the time to read and review this story. Have a wonderful day/night! For those of you in school; stay strong! Weekend is almost here.


"Bird Watching."

"You know what I would do in the Purge? Talk really loud in the library."

Jackie started laugh, and Lowery was actually startled by it. He had grown so used to Control's quiet snorts that he hadn't expected anything else.

He had made Jackie laugh.

A small, shy smile pulled at Lowery's lips before he went back to Jackie's beat-up laptop. It was a nightmare for any tech-geek, but Lowery wasn't going to say anything rude about it. The back had been decorated in peeling stickers, a couple keys were missing, and Lowery had almost fallen over at seeing small blades of grass growing from the keyboard.

Jackie had said it was a prank.

They were sitting at a quiet Starbucks; Jackie had an opening in work, and Lowery had taken his break a few minutes early. He really didn't think Jackie was serious about him fixing her laptop, and he was pretty sure he would never hear from her after this.

That's how it seemed to usually go for him, and Lowery was used to it.

"So, are you friends with Elise?"

Lowery was so focused on the monsters before him that he had almost forgotten how pretty Jackie was with her hair in a braid. Was she even wearing makeup? Lowery honestly couldn't tell. He furrowed his brows before shrugging, "I'm her uncle and godfather; I picked her middle name. I've actually only seen her in person a couple times, but I talk to her a lot over the speakers."

The tech-geek froze when Jackie made an 'Aw', and he had no idea what to do with the look she was giving him. It wasn't a bad look he didn't think, but he was pretty sure it wasn't really meant for him.

"That's adorable! I didn't know Cutie-Pie had an uncle; I bet you're a hilarious uncle. What's her middle name?"

Lowery blinked a few times before reminding himself to breathe.

Oxygen is good for the lungs; breathe in and out but not too quickly.

"Um...A-America. Her name is Elise America Grady."

Jackie crinkled her nose in a smile before asking, "It's because she's such a badass, huh? That's a cool middle name."

Lowery grinned, and half wondered if there was anything in his teeth. The time to wonder that was not when he was smiling. Did he need to brush his teeth? For the fifth time today, he had to remind himself that he did in fact wear deodorant.

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