Chapter 50

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Hey guys! So, I'm just going to direct your attention to the rating of this story. It is rated 'T'

I know I act a little unpredictable with how I drive this plot, but I am aware of the rating. I know some of you even read this to your kids, and that confuses me because I'm no longer sure of how old most of you guys are. So, to be safe, the worst I do is make sad chapters, get a little gory in my deaths, and swear colorfully.

Enough of you got concerned about a possible 'forced sexual relations' between Carnifex and Elise that I feel like I needed to say something. I don't mind the reactions I get with the sad chapters or even what I do with Bridges, but those concerns disturbed me.

I will never write about that kind of stuff. Never will this story deal with that topic because that is not appropriate for this rating, it serves no purpose in this story, and I just don't want to write about it. I have my limits too.

Anyways, I just wanted to clarify that with you guys because most of you don't know me as a person, and you don't have other stories to read in order to get a feel of how I tend to write.

Thank you guys for taking the time to read that!

I don't own the lyrics to P!nk's 'Raise Your Glass'

More importantly, thank you for your reviews, I do appreciate them, and have a good day/night!


"Boys Are Very Bad."

The stiff, blonde hair that was normally slicked back was now a ruffled mess from hands running through it too many times. Bridges hadn't slept at all last night; he had been worried, busy,

And mortified.

Wu hadn't handed over Elise's life expectancy; he handed over a diagram of the Indominus' reproductive organs. Bridges really couldn't believe the Frankenstein Wu had pulled here. As much as Bridges liked Elise, and he truly liked her, she was not normal looking. Her parts weren't blended together correctly like he would have expected.

It was like Wu had designated certain species to show certain body parts, and they didn't mesh. The feathers along Elise's elbows stuck out terribly, her nasal and maxilla bone on the front of her skull didn't blend with the frontal lobe; it bulged out. Her feet almost looked Tyrannosaur, but those legs bore more resemblance to Velociraptor. The hands were damningly human, and even Bridges could see it in the crimson eyes.

It sounded cliché when he thought about it, but there was no denying what he saw when he first met Elise. He had been baffled by all the emotion running through her eyes.

He liked Elise when he realized she easily figured out his games, and she immediately began to play. Elise was lots of fun, and she was smart.

Bridges rubbed his eyes tiredly as he tried to make sense of the large words that looked like gibberish to him. He tried not to wonder how much money it had cost for Wu to put a Spinosaurus reproductive system in the Indominus. It was giving him a headache, and he ignored the blonde strand sticking up in the air.

It probably cost a few million when it was all said and done.

Bridges couldn't stop his groan as he rested his head on the cool walnut wood. A few million gone down the drain; he didn't even want to breed an Indominus and Spinosaurus, and he was the only one who really fought for them.

Why hadn't Wu considered the obvious? It didn't matter if Elise could carry Spinosaurus hatchlings because Bridges knew damned well she didn't act like a Spinosaurus.

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