Chapter 35

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Thanks for the opinions guys! I'll do what I need to do with them!

Anyways, I'll try to keep myself in check, but that doesn't mean I am going to go backwards with the personalities I created with these girls.

Also, I have no idea how large the Mosasaur is. I know the Jurassic World website has named her at 60ft, but I have also seen the video claiming the movie made a 600ft mistake. What we will agree on is the Mosasaur is larger than Elise because that's all I need to know. I liked the video because he made good points about measuring with the shark, but I really don't care how long Lilly is. She's big enough to eat the Indominus.

I made lots of referencing to the Dark Knight movie in this, so I don't own that movie or its characters.

Sorry for the tardiness, had a surprise of extra work!

Thanks for the reviews! Please enjoy!

*Made in edit at the bottom of the page! Because I decided I used some insensitive language! For those who read it, and were offended; I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. For those reading this for the first time, don't you worry your pretty little heads. No one asked me to change it, but I decided it wasn't very appropriate!*


"Chaos is Fair."

The flames quickly climbed higher as the dogs' barking grew louder and louder. The white faced criminal with a crimson smile painted on his face gave a small sniff as he dug around his dirtied coat before pulling out a small, silver phone. He seemed to sigh to himself before muttering, "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message..."

"Everything burns."

Elise blinked at the movie. She was torn between liking it and getting annoyed with it. Batman annoyed her; she would freely admit that the rich detective annoyed her. His goals and moral were something to look up to, but he had lost Elise's interest when he put on the mask or drooled over the woman whose name Elise didn't bother to remember.

His change in voice aggravated her, and he was dumb. He let emotions control him. Why would he think this 'Joker' would willingly give up the locations of his hostages without a catch?

Batman needed to deal with Velociraptors; he wasn't very good with dealing with a cunning criminal.

Elise was actually very intrigued by this movie, The Dark Knight, and Zach had explained to her how this had actually never happened. Gotham was not real, nor was Batman; this movie was made from humans acting out the story.

They were good, Elise liked the Joker. He was funny, and kept the movie interesting. Elise wasn't able to stop her sucked in laugh when the sadistic criminal had made the pencil disappear. She liked his magic trick. The two boys had glanced at her nervously, disturbed by her humor, but it had been funny. It was refreshing to see a human, though very dark, who was not motivated by the dirty paper.

Elise found Joker sensible though insane. Was he insane? He was by all means cruel to others, but with good reason even if it was not a good reason. Elise found it easier to relate to the criminal than to the hero. Joker knew he was a freak, he embraced it, and Elise would do the same. She was a freak too, and she had done very bad things like the Joker. He had obviously been wronged by the world somehow, and so had she. He went on a rampage that killed many, and Elise had done the same.

The difference was Elise got a second chance.

Elise was put off by the hero. Batman kept his hands clean, and it made Elise feel bad for the blood on her claws. She just couldn't get over how Joker had absolutely no desire for money, but he acknowledge its value. He wouldn't work for nothing, but he had no desire to hoard it. Elise felt the same; she didn't care for the dirty paper, but she knew it was valuable to Claire.

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