Chapter 53

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Hey guys! I hope life is good for you!

xxXScotsbritXxx, Carnifex is Sobek's biological son, and this chapter explains what happened to the mother.

Annonymous, I needed that comment before yesterday's chapter, but it's all good. I don't think I'll give him a middle name since, in this case, the Judge will also act as the jury.

thesecondoreo, my goodness, I really liked that! That was very poetic and beautiful; thank you for sharing that.

Thank you guys much and mighty for all your reviews! I love them, and I love you guys! Have a good day/night!



"Alright, Elise. Not considering the fact you and Owen screwed around on training, you did really well. I think you found Derick in a timely manner."

Elise beamed happily as she continued to clean Owen. He wasn't getting out of this grooming. It was almost time for her last show, and the smeared berries were still on his shirt. They tasted very good, and Owen knew they weren't poisonous.

Sam snorted at Owen's defeated look; a little kid who was forced into a bath. Barry was bringing a new shirt, but Elise insisted. The bear of a man glanced down at his notebook before adding, "But, you need to focus a little more; there were a couple times that you seemed to zone out, and I didn't like that. Every second counts, I know this is just training, but it's going to get you used to working under pressure."

Elise agreed with that; she had taken her time because she wanted to explore. It was fun getting out of her paddock with Owen. She knew she would never be that relaxed in a real emergency, but Sam had a good point.

She wanted to see that old building again; it held a certain air about it. Like it was very important. She had actually calmed down with the peacefulness around it before she heard the old vehicle snarling into life.

Claire had agreed to allow Elise to explore the Restricted Area at certain times when she was with Owen. It would be good for her to know the lay of the land; it would help make her a little more accepted in Emergency ACU.

Owen had heard plenty of things about them team's reaction. None of them were very good, and he didn't blame them. He knew it was a good idea to Elise to use, ACU was a perfect job for Elise.

If she hadn't butchered many of the team's members; including Commander Hamada.

So many avoidable mistakes could have saved precious lives.

Owen cringed when Sam added, "I talked to Miss Dearing; Commander Blake will be joining us in the next training session."

"And, uh, when will that be?"

Sam glanced up before dryly saying, "Tomorrow, Grady. I don't like to waste time. We'll be in another section of the Restricted Area. Commander and Elise get to find you and Derick."

Owen pressed his lips as he glanced at Elise currently grooming his arm. He cleared his throat before saying, "Maybe we should reinforce a little more positive behavior with the training before sticking her with Blake, Sam. They don't get along. She really did bury him alive."

"Elise is going to have to get over it."

Owen crinkled his nose when Elise softly licked his face clean of the berry juice; that wasn't what he had meant. He knew Elise would pretty much work with anyone willing to cooperate with her.

"Maybe we should try the Emergency Commander first; Elise will work with him more often than not."

Sam rolled his eyes, but he knew it was a valid point.

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